(2015-11-11, 20:51)Martijn Wrote: That they rather invest in the Python addon than a Kodi pvr could simply be because of resources they have to assign but you better ask them about that since I don't know.
So you cannot confirm that
SiliconDust have no plans to develop a native PVR client addon using Kodi's PVR API?
I think having options is great, so having a native PVR client addon and seperate a Python addon would be good.
Might be worth a resource to SiliconDust to experiment with both to gain experince about learn what users like.
(2015-11-12, 00:37)mellomade Wrote: (2015-11-11, 09:01)RockerC Wrote: What I was trying to get across is that I think that SiliconDusk should be interested in also having an official PVR client addon for Kodi that uses Kodi's PVR API with their HDHomeRun network tuners acting as PVR backend.
Why worry about whether or not someone at SiliconDust is going to provide this when you already have @zcsizmadia doing an awesome job implementing this? Since there is NO API yet for the DVR component - I would imagine that as soon as it is available with SD's wider release of the DVR platform that this capability will be added to complete a PVR solution for Kodi.
Because independent addons have a tendency to have infrequest maintenence or worse get abandond once the original developer losses interest or something more important take precedens.
Don't get me wrong, I think zcsizmadia is doing a super job, and I stongly believe that doing the addon as open source in the public on GitHub is best, but tink that an addon like this could do even better if SiliconDust as a company took resposibility of driving the development by promoting the addon as well as officially spported.
Even so, I still thik that the development should always be kept as open source in the public on GitHub and that the main work could still be done by independent developers via forks and pull requests.
(2015-11-11, 21:43)TVJunkie198 Wrote: saw this thread linked from SDs forum,
just FYI if interested in checking it out,
I made a modified version of their Live TV Kodi video addon (prior to their DVR integration).
(see all mod details here: https://www.silicondust.com/forum/viewto...88&t=19162)
That is propably off-topic here in the PVR subforum which is only for discussing native PVR client addon, and as such your post can even be considered threadjacking since its your first post and it only contain a link to your own off-topic work on a other site, beside it being related to both Kodi and HDHomeRun. Though I hope it was not meant as such and you really just meant to point out that zcsizmadia can borrow ideas about additional features and functions from your implementations and the API calls your addon make.