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Strange bars in fast moving scenes - V-Sync missing?
I don't know how to explain this but I have some weird bars in somewhat fast moving scenes when playing videos over HDMI.

I'm using my Samsung X65 Notebook, it's quite fast with 2.2 Ghz C2D Intel and 2GB RAM and 8600 GS Graphics Card. So I hook up the TV with HDMI and when I start XBMC it automatically sets the TV to 720p - nice. But even when watching Anime which is usually rather slow moving scenes I have strange horizontal bars in the middle of the screen - it looks like graphics lag or rather ... have you ever played a PC game without V-Sync when your PC was too fast? It looks like the screen is cut in half sometimes. I hope you get what I mean.

I have no idea what to do about this issue. The TV is setup automatically when connected via HDMI, there is nothing I can control with that. Usually it runs at 1080i (driver says at 30 Hz interlaced - can't set it to 60Hz) and the Desktop runs at 1680x1050 or something like that. XBMC starts up and the TV automatically goes to 720p/60 (according to the TV). My Desktop just gets cloned to the TV.

Oh yeah, using Vista Ultimate 32 bit! Thanks for any input!
Probably interlaced video, (search this forum for "interlaced"), can you post a screenshot to confirm?

Also, what TV dod you have exactly?, can you post make and model?
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it could always just be a lack of vsync.... have you tried enabling vsync in settings - appearance - screen ? , the setting is titled "vertical blank sync"
I've got simalar problems. Video files work well in MPC-HC as long as i get the refreshrate right while I suffer heavy tearing in xbmc. Ive tried enabel Vsync but it dosen't help abit.

Pioneer 5090H
Core2Duo 3GHz
Vista Ultimate 32Bit
I haven't seen the V-Sync Option but I will look again.

I'm using a Samsung X65 - it got a Nvidia Geforce 8600 GS (Mobile Chip) but the HDMI port might be from Realtek cause Vista lists it as own Soundcard (from Realtek), nonetheless the Nvidia Driver detects the TV normally but you can't really configure anything, it's different when I use a DVI to HDMI cable!

The TV is a Sony KDF E50A11 - it's only HD Ready, 50" backprojection LCD. When I hook up Windows it says as output 1080i/60 on the TV but when I start XBMC (set to autodetect resolution) the TV goes into 720p/60 Mode.

I'm 100% sure the Video is not interlaced. Posting a screenshot will be near to impossible since it only happens on the TV and not on the Laptop Display.

Since my english is so bad the way to explain it for me is to point that it's the same as with running a game on your LCD Monitor without V-Sync.
Well the V-Sync Option was already enabled.

It's really the hardware since I have the same issues when using Windows Media Player!

If I use another PC with a DVI to HDMI cable it works just fine and of course my old Xbox 1 with XBMC works fine as well.

But I've already spend hundreds of euros trying to build a PC which works with XBMC and my TV as good as the Xbox does but without success. Not even a 1500 Euro Laptop can handle it Sad
It's so sad but the best solution is to buy some other Network Media Streaming Client and not use XBMC anymore - just because of that damned hardware issues Sad

I might give it another try with a new ATI graphics card - apparently these are the only ones that come with an audio processor so I can have sound via HDMI! Damn you NVIDIA!

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Strange bars in fast moving scenes - V-Sync missing?0