Confluence new media view
I was kind of missing a mixture between "Media Info" and "Media Info 2" for the confluence theme, so I combined those two into a new View that has the full list height on the left and the "dvd cover" and some information on the right.
Please let me know what you think Wink

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Moved thread to correct subforum.
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I for one like it and think it fills a gap. Is your plan to submit it upstream?
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Sorry, no help w/out a *full debug log*.
Glad you like it. Yeah, I asked in #kodi-dev if it's ok to submit a Pull request for it.
and i responded there Tongue
Yup thanks Smile just created the PR
Nice, reducing redunancy is great for UX. If accepted, similar can be done to:

1> "Big list"-view has no extra value above "List". Integrating into 1 view and conditionally replace "filesize" with "Date taken" in the picture section.
2> "Thumb" and "Pic thumb"-views can be integrated to one and remove the Thumb view from the picture section.
This is only done with Movies in mind, removing media info 2/3 is bad for TV shows imo.
I love it

For my taste, the only thing missing is the MovieDuration, to the right of the ProductionYear

I have tried to modify MediaInfo3 but I'm not having any success.

I was hoping all I had to do was to change:
but did not work... oh well

MacMini 2.3gHz i7, OS X 10.13.6
Running Kodi 18.9
@Stefan-Code re your reply in Github PR

Just regarding removal of Media info 2 and Media info 3 views, I dont thik this is a suitable replacement for TV shows as I prefer the lower window to show more of the background, in specific areas I prefer both tall or both lower, mixing them up is not for me personally as the symmetry is lost (what makes it bearable to me is that symmetry), but if your idea is added and none removed it be OK, but if media info 2/3 are removed as a result I consider this a great loss.

What would be nice to see is a removal of these windows low/tall completely and making it all full screen while keeping same style, with space to spare to show all nice info/streamdetails/flags, that is something Ide personally get behind fully, these half windows have always neither provided full view of background nor allow viewing of all streamdetails properly but if youre tuck with Confluence the experience has to be as good as it gets, something this addition just reminds me more of whats wrong with the skin design.

Devs like to keep the skin simple but this two pane view is far from that imo.
Yeah, that's the problem with skin design in general, it's hard to find a style everyone agrees on. I don't think it would hurt to add this as another view and keep the other two, so the user can choose whatever design he desires. In general, I'd consider more design options to choose from a benefit.
In my opinion though, Media info 2 just looks horrible and feels weird with the small height regardless of the symmetry, but that comes down to personal preference I guess.
What exactly do you mean with
Quote:full screen while keeping same style
only one layout with changing content (resolution, etc.) based on settings?

@jpf55 Regarding the Movie duration, I'm not on my kodi machine right now, but I'm pretty sure that should be doable.
By full screen I mean only one big window with the information from the two windows.

Im not suggesting what metropolis does exactly but you maybe get the idea

Nope, just 404 not found Tongue
By full screen I mean only one big window with the information from the two windows.

Im not suggesting what metropolis does exactly but you maybe get the idea


That sort of thing is also what confluence spirit of its conception means, taking the best ideas of others skins and implementing it into one.
I see what you mean, however using that approach hides the background fanart even further.
I could try how it looks like when the right column is full height too and the poster thumb is centered in the middle with the description below it instead of next to it, however I have the feeling it won't turn out very well.

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