Couple of Noob Questions
Hi all

1) I have a bunch of Ripped DVD's on my HDD, which has Folder names as <MOVIENAME> then inside that folder I have naturally the VIDEO_TS folder containing all the VOB files, I have added the all the MOVIENAME folders into XBMC, but when I click on the MOVIENAME folder to play it it goes inside that folder and shows me the VIDEO_TS folder which again I have to click to play the movie. Shouldnt XBMC pick up the VIDEO_TS folder automatically and play the movie when I just click on the MOVIENAME instead of going inside the folder.

2) When I am playing a Movie I can click anywhere on the movie and bring up the menu to pause the movie, but how do I stop it completely, I am using the mouse for my navigation, same with the music playing.
1. Turn on stacking.

2. ATM there's no way to do that from the video OSD. This should be remedied in time for the atlantis release with any luck - it's basically a skinning problem. Obviously you can press X on the keyboard to stop.
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Thanks Jmarshall

I tried turning on Stacking, but still it didnt help, it still brings up a icon with the name VIDEO_TS which again I have to click to start the movie... please advise
You'll need to give more information then. MOVIENAME/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO automatically stacks down to a single MOVIENAME item.

The exact naming scheme you are using, along with which folder you are browsing may be useful information.
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I found out the problem, I was using the MOVIENAME folder as the add source folder, and whenever I clicked on it, it showed me the sub-folders.

thank you for resolving my issues. I also noticed that whenever I bring up the OSD while playing a movie there is a small button snaking out from the main OSD with DVD on it.
I was wondering what that button does, since I tried clicking with no effect to anything, it wasnt there before the alpha releases.

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