Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Cover art for music
Cover art question.
I have my music collection in Artist folders with individual album sub-folders.
In each sub folder I have a .jpg of the cover art named for the cd...or the same as the folder.

XBMC does not recognize this.
If I change the name of the file to folder.jpg then I get art. If I tag each individual file with the art then it is also displayed when scanning through the songs.

Is there a way to get XPMC to see my .jpgs the way they are named?

I really don't want to rename 500 files...if this is the only way I would rather make a copy of each file in the same folder called folder.jpg. Is there a program out there that would batch copy all of these files for each folder?

Another question...many of my mp3's (sooner or later all of them) are tagged with lyrics. Is there a way to make these display?

IrfanView has great batch copy and rename functions

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Cover art for music0