Always display remaining time when playing video

I'm wondering if it is possible to edit an .xml file so Kodi always shows the time remaining in the video that is playing.
I tried editing the VideoOverlay.xml file inside skin.confluence/720p/ but no succes...

now this file looks like this:

<control type="label" id="1">
<description>Clock label</description>

Can somebody help me out, please?

<control type="label" id="1">
</control> for when you have the info dialogue up but do you mean literally overlaid on the playing video at all time?

Personally I use external hardware for this -
Addons I wrote &/or maintain:
OzWeather (Australian BOM weather) | Check Previous Episode | Playback Resumer | Unpause Jumpback | Caber Toss | Switchback | XSqueezeDisplay | Kodi 2nd Display
Sorry, no help w/out a *full debug log*.
Thanks for the reply.

I'd rather not spend money on this issue though.
I can't imagine it would be that hard for Kodi to display some information overlaying the current playing video, small and subtle.
I would like to see that info always, because now I always have to grab the remote to turn the info on, and afterwards turn it off.

thanks anyway.
It works for me if you put it within the <controls> section in VideoFullScreen.xml, not within the <control type="group" id="1"> sections. I don't have any VideoOverlay.xml (Jarvis beta 4). If you want to add it to multiple windows I'd add the code to includes.xml and then call for it in the windows you want it to show up.

You can control when it's visible by adding more Conditional Visibility conditions.
E.g. only when fullscreen (i.e. hide when Info/OSD is shown): VideoPlayer.IsFullscreen

I moved it to the top right, just below the clock.
Maybe use time remaining without seconds? I.e. $INFO[Player.TimeRemaining(hh:mm)]
Also, I'd change the color to grey. Then again I'd never add something like this to my GUI. Smile

<control type="label" id="1">
    <description>Time Remaining</description>

The info now shows up in a subtle way, although I'm having some problems with the picking of the colors (grey seems to be quite bright white), but I will get to that when I have more time.
Thank you for leading me to the very useful wiki of Kodi!
You can use any ARGB color.
Here's a RGBA/ARGB converter:
A nice color picker, let's you lighten/darken X%:

A bit darker grey: FF636363
10% darker than first: FF4A4A4A
20% darker than first: FF303030

Or now I see you can use grey2 or grey3. Grey3 is about as dark as "20% darker".
(2016-01-16, 01:37)ioncype Wrote: You can use any ARGB color.
Here's a RGBA/ARGB converter:
A nice color picker, let's you lighten/darken X%:

A bit darker grey: FF636363
10% darker than first: FF4A4A4A
20% darker than first: FF303030

Or now I see you can use grey2 or grey3. Grey3 is about as dark as "20% darker".

Thanks for the tips!
I've already been playing around with ARGB values, but couldn't find a combination of text and shadow colors that fits my needs.
Will try something in the next few days.

As far as I get it right ARGB colors are in AARRGGBB hex format, where A, R, G and B can have values from 00 (dec 0) to FF (dec 255).
A stands for Alpha (transparent/opaque)
R stands for Red
G stands for Green
B stands for Blue

I tried to get a dark grey text (FF404040) but that looks more white to me, and when I jumped to FF202020 it was almost black... weird.
Will try to play with the alpha value...

BTW: this is a awesome community, so much help I get from you guys/girls Smile

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Always display remaining time when playing video0