Now Playing
Hi !

First of all i'd like to say many thanks for this great media centre! Running it on my PC and Macbook and totally enjoying it!

I've been trying to find a now playing plugin for the Windows XBMC and Live Messenger and can't (ive tried using the site search function to no avail).

I downloaded XBMC MSN which asks for an XBOX ip and i haven't been able to get it working on the PC so far, any help will be appreciated, thanks! :o
Nevermind, solved the problem myself.

1. Install Arkane's script

2. When the setup screen appears, enter your computer i.p AND leave the port field blank. Enter no erver password.

3. Enter XBMC, hit settings, then network. Enable the web server, i just entered 0 as the port and left the password field blank.

4. Enter your Music section of XBMC, play a song, press Alt+Tab and voila, your music should now be appearing as your personal message on Windows Live Messenger.

NOTE: I used the new XBMC Atlantis Beta for this, i'm also not sure if my step 3 has any relevance exept the web server proably needs to be activated.

Greetz Smile

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