[BUGS] burned DVD's, movie auto stop, crashes, sound in movie, album image
I have found a few bugs in XBMC Beta 1 for Windows.
  • When I insert a DVD, he can't play it! It says something about too many pieces or something.
  • When I want to play a movie from my HDD, it stops playing after 1 minute or something!
  • A few movies don't have sound.
  • Sudden crashes of XBMC: 0xc0000005 on location 0x00402d91.

My system:
C2D E6300 @ 3Ghz
Gigabyte GA-965P-S3
2GB ram

Sorry for my English, I'm from Holland Smile
Oh sorry! Now I see the 'Trac' bug report thing! :o

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[BUGS] burned DVD's, movie auto stop, crashes, sound in movie, album image0