Wrong screen resolution/size on initial installation of XBMC for Windows
I am not sure if this is a bug or not but could definately use a suggestion. When i launch xbmc on my pc there is a bar at the top of the screen that is all scrambled.

When i change the screen size within xbmc and then change it back to full screen it fixes the problem. Is anyone else having this issue?

Also everytime I exit xbmc I get a generic windows error message that pops up.

Your help would be greatly appreciated
latter one is fixed in svn afaik. First one is a bug and you can trac it with notes on how to reproduce.
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does anyone have an answer to the screen launching in full size with a weird bar at the top. Its like the resolution is off or something. I could really use some help with this one.

I got the same thing when i updated to latest atlantis. As soon as i went in to the settings and set it to correct res the problem is gone.

Maybe i will try to reproduce the bug and post a track.

If you have something to add please do so. Changing the res in the settings is the only workaround I know.
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I have expierenced this on all my three computers. It does not matter if they are running WinXp Pro Sp2, WinXp Pro Sp3 or Vista64.

They all have Ati graphics (9000, x1300, x1950pro).

I think it been like this on the most recent releases, also before Atlantis.

My five...
Forget my answers.

I think I missunderstood the problem.

AT you are right I also have an ATI graphics card. Does anyone have an ATI card and have a fix for this problem?

Lets put our heads together on this one. There has to be a workaround for it
This problem does not have anything to do with ATI/AMD, Intel, or NVIDIA.
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ok well is there any insight as to what the problem is then. Or if there is any plan to fix it? I love xbmc on my computer but this resolution thing is a real pain to go in and change everytime I launch it.
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kcmoney13 Wrote:ok well is there any insight as to what the problem is then. Or if there is any plan to fix it? I love xbmc on my computer but this resolution thing is a real pain to go in and change everytime I launch it.

#4894 just addresses the resolution issue when doing a fresh install. Ones the resolution is set correctly XBMC will load it. Dunno what you describe here but that I never noticed.
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Wrong screen resolution/size on initial installation of XBMC for Windows0