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2016-02-03, 23:39
(This post was last modified: 2016-05-28, 10:33 by DaveBlake.)
I'm currently testing kodi 16 rc 2
when is the playcount for a music track updated ?
when I was first trying out creating nodes I saw that I could sort them by playcount
but on further investigation this field pretty much always seems to be 0
I'd had a thought that I could have a node for unplayed tracks, but they all seem to be unplayed !!
if its relevant I normally pretty much play all music in "party mode"
anybody have any suggestions
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I'm currently looking at some quirks in playcount. I'm getting double counting, the opposite of you! Never used party mode.
By default you have to play a tack to the end for it to count as played, but there are advanced settings that can effect this. Anything in advancedsettings.xml?
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Caching could be stopping you seeing changes in count imediately after playing. Also are you looking at play count of songs or albums? The album playcount is very tight, it currently takes the minimum of the play counts for all songs on that album. So leave a song unplayed and the album will always be 0 count.
Could you try playing some of the 0 count songs, all the way though, and see if they change.
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when I choose songs to queue in a play list I always choose from album view entering each album and choosing a particular track to queue. When the track has played would the playcount be updated or is the logic this was selected from an album but the entire album wasnt played therefore dont update playcount.
to check this I have selected a few songs from the songs view and will report what happens
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Well tracks selected from the song list seem to have updated playcount correctly
I then chose an album which included one of the tracks I had queued previously, this also worked correctly setting all tracks to 1 except the one chosen earlier which has been updated to 2 and as you said the playcount for the album has been set to 1 (the lowest of any of the tracks on the album)
another untested album has also correctly updated playcounts
I am now running a party mode test and will check later if the counts have been updated
Has there been changes in this area as this obviously wasn't working before as I have been playing music with kodi/xbmc for years and virtually nothing has a playcount greater than zero !!
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2016-02-08, 13:39
(This post was last modified: 2016-02-08, 13:40 by tkgafs.)
Well it would appear that when music is playing in party mode, the tracks that the system selects do not get their playcount updated
There is a sort of logic there as the user didn't select them, therefore they didn't actually play them, the system played them itself so should the playcount be updated ?
My own view is that it should be be, but can understand other people having opposite view, perhaps an advancedsetting to turn on playcount increment in partymode would be solution.
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2016-02-08, 13:46
(This post was last modified: 2016-02-08, 13:46 by tkgafs.)
Ignore previous post
tracks playcounts are now being updated in partymode, I just had to wait a few minutes for it to occur as you'd suggested earlier
In fact as far as I can tell playcounts are being incremented correctly in all scenarios I have tested
So well done with whatever changes you have made