Stacking TV Shows
My Setup -

XBMC Beta 1
Mediastream V.92
Windows XP SP2 (Fresh Install)

Problem -

I want to stack 2 files into one episode listing in xbmc.
Ex. Cow and Chicken has two part episodes and my files are separated. So for s01e02 I have one file called s01e02 - (A) field trip to folsom prison.avi and another called s01e02 - the girl's bathroom.avi. I had it setup before so that it just played the second one right after the first, but for some reason it will not work anymore.

If anyone knows how to accomplish the stacking please let me know. Thanks
You need to Add then to Que (from the right click menu), then goto Whats playing now, and start from there.
WinterMuteAu Wrote:You need to Add then to Que (from the right click menu), then goto Whats playing now, and start from there.

I know that as a work around, but on a previous setup it would have one episode listed, but since both filenames had the same season and episode it would put them both under the one episode listing in my library. So I would clikc on one file in the library and it would play both episodes with the matching season and episode number. I hope I have been clear as to what worked and how my files are named.
oh, proper stacking. I know something has changed with regards to its settings in Beta 1, as my kids Thomas used to stack to 1 long file for him, now its not and I'm not sure myself what has changed. I'll look into it tonight (since I just got to work here) and if I find anything will let you know.

Alternitavly, you could serch for Stacking and see what others have to say.
thank you very much. The first thing I did was search stacking but have had no luck with it. Maybe I will revert to the alpha 4. Now that I think about it l, I'm 90% sure I had upgraded to the beta 1 but the library had been set up under alpha 4. I'm at a loss, but I hope this issue is cleared up soon. Logically the way I have set it up makes sense. I guess we'll just have to see. Thanks for all the help.

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