Mystery subtitles problem?
Hi all, I'm old xbmc user in old xb and now I try this on windows.

I try watch video and its working great but subtitles isnt work. If video and sub is same name isnt work or if I choose subtitles on OSD whole video stop and screen jump video directory screen.

Any idea what I can do?

.. I test xbmc on my laptop and subtitles work there? very mystery, my desktop pc is much better than laptop. graphic adapter is deforce 7600DS

sorry my english. I hope tou understand even something..
Gonna need a Debug Log of the subs failing.
there is log

there is a two files in hancock folder movie and subtitles. I try those files other player and both works ok.

and xbmc plays video but isnt show subtitles even those are exactly same name and if I chose subtitles on OSD video crash
huh, what a english.. Smile

there is whole log
Rename subtitle file extension to .srt . I have same issue with .sub ending. When you rename file to .srt everything works fine.
thanks that help
Can some developer explain what is exactly causing that? Is it a bug?

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