Video Repeat All Feature
On the Xbox version of XBMC, I have used a feature from the OSD that allows you to Repeat the current video over and over again. I can't seem to find a video repeat option on the windows version. I am using the Atlantis beta currently. Anyone know if the feature is available in the Windows version?
I've really looked everywhere. Developers, is this really a feature that has been overlooked? I love XBMC, but without the repeat function on videos, it is not suited for my environment. It was good while it lasted.....
Which skin are you using? It really is up to the skin to define where they put certain things. It's generally available on the now playing window though.

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Use q to queue the files you want played/repeated and then press menu (the key on the right of the space bar on youre keyboard, just in between the Windows key and ctrl to bring up the context menue, then select Now Playing...).

Or queue your files, start playing a video and use enter to bring up the cross media menu during video playback and then navigate to Now Playing.
I'm using PM3.HD right now...
It was an issue with the skin. I moved back to PM3 and it works. Anyway to add this functionality to the PM3.HD skin?
It was removed to put in the stop button for mouse users (now playing window shortcut)
If you graphically come up with a way to add another button to the cross without moving any of the current I will consider adding it back

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Video Repeat All Feature0