(2016-02-28, 10:23)djoole Wrote: It has been said several times on this topic.
In order to install MQ6 on Jarvis you need to download the zip, edit addon.xml and replace the 9 by a 10.
On the video part everything is fully compatible (i don't use PVR/music on Kodi so I can't tell for this part)
Since i would like to try "on my skin" (excuse the pun
) can you point me which line of the addon.xml file should i change from 9 to 10? My XML is like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<addon id="skin.aeonmq6" version="3.3.0" name="Aeon MQ 6" provider-name="MarcosQui">
<import addon="xbmc.gui" version="5.9.0"/>
<import addon="service.skin.widgets" version="0.0.30"/>
<import addon="service.library.data.provider" version="0.0.9"/>
<import addon="service.nextup.notification" version="1.0.8"/>
<import addon="script.aeonmq6.extrapack" version="1.0.6"/>
<import addon="script.favourites" version="6.0.2"/>
<import addon="script.artwork.downloader" version="12.0.29"/>
<import addon="script.randomandlastitems" version="2.2.2"/>
<import addon="script.games.rom.collection.browser" version="2.1.2"/>
<import addon="script.artistslideshow" version="1.8.6"/>
<import addon="script.tv.show.next.aired" version="6.0.14"/>
<import addon="script.cu.lrclyrics" version="3.2.0"/>
<import addon="script.toolbox" version="1.1.0"/>
<import addon="script.globalsearch" version="5.0.0"/>
<import addon="script.extendedinfo" version="3.1.1" />
<import addon="script.cinemavision" version="1.0.1" />
<import addon="resource.uisounds.aeonmq6" version="1.0.0"/>
<extension point="xbmc.gui.skin" effectslowdown="0.75" debugging="false">
<res width="1280" height="720" aspect="16:9" default="true" folder="720p"/>
<extension point="xbmc.addon.metadata">
<summary lang="en">Aeon MQ 6, improved, more light and more powerful than ever.</summary>
<summary lang="pt_br">Aeon MQ 6, melhorada, mais leve e mais poderosa do que nunca.</summary>
<description lang="en">The traditional Aeon MQ reaches its sixth edition.[CR]Reformulated, very simple to use, with a new code that provides a lightweight and powerful skin.[CR]The Aeon MQ 6 incorporates new features such as REPLACE which takes the main menu's level of customization to something never seen before.[CR]Aeon MQ 6, you've never seen a skin like this.</description>
<description lang="pt_br">A tradicional Aeon MQ chega a sua sexta edição.[CR]Aeon MQ 6 conta com todos os recursos presentes na versão anterior, no entanto, esses recursos foram otimizados afim de proporcionar uma experiência ainda melhor ao usuário.[CR]Aeon MQ 6, você nunca viu uma skin assim.</description>