Music: Albums tagged with multiple albumartist generate erroneous artists
I have never written here, so hello everybody!
I was planning to add this to the bug system but it tells me I do not have privileges to open a ticket.

Albums tagged with multiple albumartist end up generating erroneous artists enties in DB.
Looks like this:

The Albums view looks OK

So is song view

See the database

it looks like the good one is

INSERT INTO "artist" VALUES(1,'10cc','f37c537b-3557-4031-bfd6-ab63ced32854'

and the bad one

INSERT INTO "artist" VALUES(2,'6f874502-c86b-4d53-a371-3c18829531b9','6f874502-c86b-4d53-a371-3c18829531b9'

Steps to recreate bug:

I used fresh install of kodi-16.0-Jarvis.exe on Windows 10 Professional

After application loaded up I got to
System and enabled debugging, then Music > add Source , added directory containing two files

waited for it to finish scanning then got to Music Artist to confirm and exited application by Alt + F4

Here is log

12:47:50 T:5524   DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogExtendedProgressBar.xml) ------
12:47:50 T:2108   DEBUG: MUSIC_INFO::CMusicInfoScanner::Process - Starting scan
12:47:50 T:7488   DEBUG: Thread MusicFileCounter start, auto delete: false
12:47:50 T:7956   DEBUG: Thread BackgroundLoader 7956 terminating
12:47:50 T:7488   DEBUG: Thread MusicFileCounter 7488 terminating
12:47:50 T:2108   DEBUG: MUSIC_INFO::CMusicInfoScanner::DoScan Scanning dir 'C:\Users\piotr\Music\picard\' as not in the database
12:47:51 T:2108   DEBUG: MUSIC_INFO::CMusicInfoScanner::DoScan Scanning dir 'C:\Users\piotr\Music\picard\10cc\' as not in the database
12:47:51 T:2108   DEBUG: MUSIC_INFO::CMusicInfoScanner::DoScan Scanning dir 'C:\Users\piotr\Music\picard\10cc\1978 official album  - Bloody Tourists\' as not in the database
12:47:51 T:2108   DEBUG: unrecognized ratings schema detected: [email protected]
12:47:51 T:2108   DEBUG: unrecognized ID3 frame detected: PRIV
12:47:51 T:2108   DEBUG: unrecognized ID3 frame detected: TBPM
12:47:51 T:2108   DEBUG: unrecognized ID3 frame detected: TCOM
12:47:51 T:2108   DEBUG: unrecognized ID3 frame detected: TDOR
12:47:51 T:2108   DEBUG: unrecognized ID3 frame detected: TIPL
12:47:51 T:2108   DEBUG: unrecognized ID3 frame detected: TMCL
12:47:51 T:2108   DEBUG: unrecognized ID3 frame detected: TMED
12:47:51 T:2108   DEBUG: unrecognized ID3 frame detected: TPUB
12:47:51 T:2108   DEBUG: unrecognized ID3 frame detected: TSO2
12:47:51 T:2108   DEBUG: unrecognized ID3 frame detected: TSOP
12:47:51 T:2108   DEBUG: unrecognized ID3 frame detected: TSRC
12:47:51 T:2108   DEBUG: unrecognized user text tag detected: TXXX:SCRIPT
12:47:51 T:2108   DEBUG: unrecognized user text tag detected: TXXX:originalyear
12:47:51 T:2108   DEBUG: unrecognized user text tag detected: TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Type
12:47:51 T:2108   DEBUG: unrecognized user text tag detected: TXXX:CATALOGNUMBER
12:47:51 T:2108   DEBUG: unrecognized user text tag detected: TXXX:MusicBrainz Release Track Id
12:47:51 T:2108   DEBUG: unrecognized user text tag detected: TXXX:MusicBrainz Work Id
12:47:51 T:2108   DEBUG: unrecognized user text tag detected: TXXX:Work
12:47:51 T:2108   DEBUG: unrecognized user text tag detected: TXXX:MusicBrainz Release Group Id
12:47:51 T:2108   DEBUG: unrecognized user text tag detected: TXXX:MusicIP PUID
12:47:51 T:2108   DEBUG: unrecognized user text tag detected: TXXX:Writer
12:47:51 T:2108   DEBUG: unrecognized user text tag detected: TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Status
12:47:51 T:2108   DEBUG: unrecognized user text tag detected: TXXX:ASIN
12:47:51 T:2108   DEBUG: unrecognized user text tag detected: TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Release Country
12:47:51 T:2108   DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
12:47:51 T:2108   DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 32, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
12:47:51 T:2108   DEBUG: MUSIC_INFO::CMusicInfoScanner::DoScan Scanning dir 'C:\Users\piotr\Music\picard\10cc & Godley & Creme\' as not in the database
12:47:51 T:2108   DEBUG: MUSIC_INFO::CMusicInfoScanner::DoScan Scanning dir 'C:\Users\piotr\Music\picard\10cc & Godley & Creme\1987 official album; compilation  - Changing Faces_ The Best of 10cc and Godley & Creme\' as not in the database
12:47:51 T:2108   DEBUG: unrecognized ID3 frame detected: TBPM
12:47:51 T:2108   DEBUG: unrecognized ID3 frame detected: TDOR
12:47:51 T:2108   DEBUG: unrecognized ID3 frame detected: TIPL
12:47:51 T:2108   DEBUG: unrecognized ID3 frame detected: TMCL
12:47:51 T:2108   DEBUG: unrecognized ID3 frame detected: TMED
12:47:51 T:2108   DEBUG: unrecognized ID3 frame detected: TPUB
12:47:51 T:2108   DEBUG: unrecognized ID3 frame detected: TSO2
12:47:51 T:2108   DEBUG: unrecognized ID3 frame detected: TSOP
12:47:51 T:2108   DEBUG: unrecognized ID3 frame detected: TSRC
12:47:51 T:2108   DEBUG: unrecognized ID3 frame detected: TSSE
12:47:51 T:2108   DEBUG: unrecognized user text tag detected: TXXX:SCRIPT
12:47:51 T:2108   DEBUG: unrecognized user text tag detected: TXXX:originalyear
12:47:51 T:2108   DEBUG: unrecognized user text tag detected: TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Type
12:47:51 T:2108   DEBUG: unrecognized user text tag detected: TXXX:BARCODE
12:47:51 T:2108   DEBUG: unrecognized user text tag detected: TXXX:TSO2
12:47:51 T:2108   DEBUG: unrecognized user text tag detected: TXXX:MusicBrainz Release Track Id
12:47:51 T:2108   DEBUG: unrecognized user text tag detected: TXXX:MusicBrainz Work Id
12:47:51 T:2108   DEBUG: unrecognized user text tag detected: TXXX:Work
12:47:51 T:2108   DEBUG: unrecognized user text tag detected: TXXX:CATALOGNUMBER
12:47:51 T:2108   DEBUG: unrecognized user text tag detected: TXXX:MusicIP PUID
12:47:51 T:2108   DEBUG: unrecognized user text tag detected: TXXX:TCMP
12:47:51 T:2108   DEBUG: unrecognized user text tag detected: TXXX:Writer
12:47:51 T:2108   DEBUG: unrecognized user text tag detected: TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Status
12:47:51 T:2108   DEBUG: unrecognized user text tag detected: TXXX:ASIN
12:47:51 T:2108   DEBUG: unrecognized user text tag detected: TXXX:MusicBrainz Release Group Id
12:47:51 T:2108   DEBUG: unrecognized user text tag detected: TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Release Country
12:47:52 T:2108   DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
12:47:52 T:2108   DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 32, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
12:47:52 T:2108  NOTICE: My Music: Scanning for music info using worker thread, operation took 00:01
12:47:52 T:2108   DEBUG: MUSIC_INFO::CMusicInfoScanner::Process - Finished scan
12:47:52 T:2108   DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnScanFinished from xbmc
12:47:52 T:2108   DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 32, from xbmc, message OnScanFinished
12:47:52 T:2108   DEBUG: Thread MusicInfoScanner 2108 terminating

Here is whole log start to finish

Files used

10cc/1978 official album - Bloody Tourists/01 Dreadlock Holiday.mp3
10cc & Godley & Creme/1987 official album; compilation - Changing Faces_ The Best of 10cc and Godley & Creme/01 Dreadlock Holiday.mp3

The first one works OK and was used for comparison

The second was tagged with:

But this same thing happens with these ones

Common theme seems to be that files in question are tagged with multiple musicbrainz_albumartistid's

Edit: I do not seem to know how to get images and links to work, so I put the bare URLs instead
Edit2: I attached wrong log file. corrected
Welcome, and well done for providing lots of information with your issue.

I am pretty sure that the issue is with the way your music is tagged. There is a mismatch between the number of musicbrainz artist ids and the number of artist names that Kodi is finding in the TPE1 tag. You don't give the tags but I bet you have in the first example:
TPE1 = "10CC & Godley & Cream", and
MUSICBRAINZ_ARTIST_ID = "f37c537b-3557-4031-bfd6-ab63ced32854;6f874502-c86b-4d53-a371-3c18829531b9"

There is no way for Kodi to know that "10CC & Godley & Cream" divides into "10CC" and "Godley & Cream". In this case Kodi treats the extra mbid as an artist name. It will also label all 10CC music (scanned with mbids) as name "10CC & Godley & Cream".

There are 2 possible solutions to fix the tagging:

a) Change artist/TPE1 to "10CC / Godley & Cream", using item separator space-slash-space that Kodi can recognise.
b) Add ARTISTS tags ARTISTS = "10CC", ARTISTS = "Godley & Cream"

Ensure that the number of artists names and the number of mbids match.
I was thinking the problem might be with ALBUMARTISTS and MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMARTIST_ID?

scott s.
(2016-03-08, 19:43)DaveBlake Wrote: I am pretty sure that the issue is with the way your music is tagged.

Sure it is. If I had it any other way there wouldnt be a problem, would it? But see, I have it the way I have it.
The problem is that my music is tagged the way MusicBrainz Picard does it, and kodi has problem reading it properly.

To explain even more here is a file

For copyright sake audio portion of this song is 1s of silence.

just to be sure, all tags removed beforehand with
eyeD3 --remove-all test.mp3

Tagged with this record
with fresh version of Musicbrainz Picard (vanilla, out of the box, no options tinkered)

the effect is as follows :

eyeD3 test.mp3
test.mp3        [ 33.20 KB ]
Time: 00:01     MPEG1, Layer III        [ 192 kb/s @ 44100 Hz - Joint stereo ]
ID3 v2.3:
title: Dreadlock Holiday
artist: 10cc
album: Changing Faces: The Best of 10cc and Godley & Creme
album artist: 10cc & Godley & Creme
release date: 1987
original release date: 1987
recording date: 1987
track: 1/16
disc: 1/1
Publisher/label: Polydor
Unique File ID: [] : 393f152d-5f1d-4570-819c-5cd94b17452a
UserTextFrame: [Description: SCRIPT]
UserTextFrame: [Description: originalyear]
UserTextFrame: [Description: MusicBrainz Album Type]
UserTextFrame: [Description: MusicBrainz Album Artist Id]
UserTextFrame: [Description: MusicBrainz Artist Id]
UserTextFrame: [Description: BARCODE]
UserTextFrame: [Description: MusicBrainz Album Id]
UserTextFrame: [Description: CATALOGNUMBER]
816 355-2
UserTextFrame: [Description: MusicBrainz Release Group Id]
UserTextFrame: [Description: Artists]
UserTextFrame: [Description: MusicBrainz Release Track Id]
UserTextFrame: [Description: ASIN]
UserTextFrame: [Description: MusicBrainz Album Release Country]
UserTextFrame: [Description: MusicBrainz Album Status]
FRONT_COVER Image: [Size: 5515 bytes] [Type: image/jpeg]
Or if you prefer it

python -i
Python 2.7.5 (default, Nov 20 2015, 02:00:19)
[GCC 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-4)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from mutagen.easyid3 import EasyID3
>>> song = EasyID3('test.mp3')
>>> print song
{'performer': [u'10cc & Godley & Creme'],
'musicbrainz_albumstatus': [u'official'],
'releasecountry': [u'GB'],
'musicbrainz_albumartistid': [u'f37c537b-3557-4031-bfd6-ab63ced32854/6f874502-c86b-4d53-a371-3c18829531b9'],
'catalognumber': [u'816 355-2'],
'tracknumber': [u'1/16'],
'musicbrainz_albumid': [u'7ff0f451-77d3-4d61-9e2e-480e3e0c831e'],
'album': [u'Changing Faces: The Best of 10cc and Godley & Creme'],
'asin': [u'B0000074EE'],
'musicbrainz_artistid': [u'f37c537b-3557-4031-bfd6-ab63ced32854'],
'title': [u'Dreadlock Holiday'],
'media': [u'CD'],
'artistsort': [u'10cc'],
'musicbrainz_releasegroupid': [u'34059715-c212-3a27-828c-721047c9610d'],
'barcode': [u'042281635526'],
'musicbrainz_albumtype': [u'album/compilation'],
'date': [u'1987'],
'isrc': [u'GBF080080438'],
'discnumber': [u'1/1'],
'originaldate': [u'1987'],
'artist': [u'10cc'],
'musicbrainz_trackid': [u'393f152d-5f1d-4570-819c-5cd94b17452a'],
'organization': [u'Polydor'],
'musicbrainz_releasetrackid': [u'c1be6a9b-e208-319e-bc3f-4b3fd5b1d526']}

(2016-03-08, 19:43)DaveBlake Wrote: There is no way for Kodi to know that "10CC & Godley & Cream" divides into "10CC" and "Godley & Cream". In this case Kodi treats the extra mbid as an artist name. It will also label all 10CC music (scanned with mbids) as name "10CC & Godley & Cream".

So why to use it at all?

I have one song by 10cc from compilation by "10CC" and "Godley & Cream"

I do not have any songs by "Godley & Cream"

I have no desire to see "Godley & Cream" on my "Artists" list anyways, and even more so, If it appeared there, such entry should list 0 (zero) songs, shouldn't it?

For my liking it shoudn't be adding Albumartists to the list of Artists altogether. In ths example: 10cc is being added as as an artist already because of being an artist for this particular song, right?

Alternatively just add ""10CC and Godley & Cream" as an artist (but you lack one single music brainz artist ID for such entry, I know)

(2016-03-08, 19:43)DaveBlake Wrote: There are 2 possible solutions to fix the tagging:
a) Change artist/TPE1 to "10CC / Godley & Cream", using item separator space-slash-space that Kodi can recognise.
b) Add ARTISTS tags ARTISTS = "10CC", ARTISTS = "Godley & Cream"
Ensure that the number of artists names and the number of mbids match.

Again, it is vanilla MusicBrainz Picard, that's how it does it, there is no simple switch to change it, there is no way around that, other than to try to write some custom plug-in. Maybe. I do not know if it is even possible. Not gonna do that anyway.

What I can do, is to offer you a piece of information that is:

"Properly tagged music files do not display properly in your app."

even more so:

"Music files properly tagged with the tagger software recommended in your docs do not display properly in your app."

I do not need from you the recipes for a quick fix that I would have to repeat every time I come in touch with a music file that had multiple albumartists. I can cope on my own, thank you.

I just offered you information that your software does not work the way it is supposed to and the details that might let you fix it.
That's it really.
(2016-03-09, 01:21)scott967 Wrote: I was thinking the problem might be with ALBUMARTISTS and MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMARTIST_ID?

You are right Scott, I didn't read the title. All that I said, but with ALBUMARTIST.

piotr.siudak Wrote:I do not need from you the recipes for a quick fix that I would have to repeat every time I come in touch with a music file that had multiple albumartists. I can cope on my own, thank you.

I just offered you information that your software does not work the way it is supposed to and the details that might let you fix it.
That's it really.
It is not my software, and I am just a volunteer like every one else. Sorry I mistook you for a new user that wanted some friendly help.
My Take on this issue is, that MusicBrainz needs to fix this on their end. As the Artist should be separated correctly...

album artist: "10CC / Godley & Cream"

and not...

album artist: 10cc & Godley & Creme

Hell, they could have done this...
album artist: 10cc and Godley & Creme
and it would have been better.
I looked at the tags present in the file "test.mp3". (Thanks for uploading it). I do not see a tag for

So with multiple TXXX=Musicbrainz Album Artist Id (2 actually f37... and 6f8...) that's a problem. I don't use or know anything about Picard, but some searching I found a Picard issue no. 700 that addresses this. In the comments I find this:

"Since Picard 1.3 the tag _albuamrtists is available. By default, this is not written to files, but if you add $setmulti(albumartists,%_albumartists%) to your tagger script, it will be (you could use other names instead of albumartists if you wanted to). This will create multiple tags for files that support it (basically everything except ID3, ASF, MP4, WAV)."

So if you can get Picard to add the albumartists tag, I believe Kodi 16 will properly set the album artist (or as Picard calls it release artist) text string as 10cc and Godley & Creme, as well as adding (if not present) the artist 10cc and the artist Godley & Creme with the correct MBID for each that allows for correct scraping.

It also looks like Picard is using "slash" (no spaces) as its separator. Not sure if that's a problem or not.

I edited tags in mp3tag as I suggest with results:




scott s.
(2016-03-10, 03:19)scott967 Wrote: So if you can get Picard to add the albumartists tag, I believe Kodi 16 will properly set the album artist (or as Picard calls it release artist) text string as 10cc and Godley & Creme, as well as adding (if not present) the artist 10cc and the artist Godley & Creme with the correct MBID for each that allows for correct scraping.

I can confirm that this seams to do the trick and Kodi can read it fine.


this is where these settings are kept(on windows , I believe on Linux its somewhere in ~/.config/MusicBrainz/Picard/ )

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



So that's that. Thanks

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Music: Albums tagged with multiple albumartist generate erroneous artists0