2016-03-08, 14:58
I have never written here, so hello everybody!
I was planning to add this to the bug system but it tells me I do not have privileges to open a ticket.
Albums tagged with multiple albumartist end up generating erroneous artists enties in DB.
Looks like this:
The Albums view looks OK
So is song view
See the database
it looks like the good one is
INSERT INTO "artist" VALUES(1,'10cc','f37c537b-3557-4031-bfd6-ab63ced32854'
and the bad one
INSERT INTO "artist" VALUES(2,'6f874502-c86b-4d53-a371-3c18829531b9','6f874502-c86b-4d53-a371-3c18829531b9'
Steps to recreate bug:
I used fresh install of kodi-16.0-Jarvis.exe on Windows 10 Professional
After application loaded up I got to
System and enabled debugging, then Music > add Source , added directory containing two files
waited for it to finish scanning then got to Music Artist to confirm and exited application by Alt + F4
Here is log
Here is whole log start to finish
Files used
10cc/1978 official album - Bloody Tourists/01 Dreadlock Holiday.mp3
10cc & Godley & Creme/1987 official album; compilation - Changing Faces_ The Best of 10cc and Godley & Creme/01 Dreadlock Holiday.mp3
The first one works OK and was used for comparison
The second was tagged with:
But this same thing happens with these ones
Common theme seems to be that files in question are tagged with multiple musicbrainz_albumartistid's
Edit: I do not seem to know how to get images and links to work, so I put the bare URLs instead
Edit2: I attached wrong log file. corrected
I was planning to add this to the bug system but it tells me I do not have privileges to open a ticket.
Albums tagged with multiple albumartist end up generating erroneous artists enties in DB.
Looks like this:
The Albums view looks OK
So is song view
See the database
it looks like the good one is
INSERT INTO "artist" VALUES(1,'10cc','f37c537b-3557-4031-bfd6-ab63ced32854'
and the bad one
INSERT INTO "artist" VALUES(2,'6f874502-c86b-4d53-a371-3c18829531b9','6f874502-c86b-4d53-a371-3c18829531b9'
Steps to recreate bug:
I used fresh install of kodi-16.0-Jarvis.exe on Windows 10 Professional
After application loaded up I got to
System and enabled debugging, then Music > add Source , added directory containing two files
waited for it to finish scanning then got to Music Artist to confirm and exited application by Alt + F4
Here is log
12:47:50 T:5524 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogExtendedProgressBar.xml) ------
12:47:50 T:2108 DEBUG: MUSIC_INFO::CMusicInfoScanner::Process - Starting scan
12:47:50 T:7488 DEBUG: Thread MusicFileCounter start, auto delete: false
12:47:50 T:7956 DEBUG: Thread BackgroundLoader 7956 terminating
12:47:50 T:7488 DEBUG: Thread MusicFileCounter 7488 terminating
12:47:50 T:2108 DEBUG: MUSIC_INFO::CMusicInfoScanner::DoScan Scanning dir 'C:\Users\piotr\Music\picard\' as not in the database
12:47:51 T:2108 DEBUG: MUSIC_INFO::CMusicInfoScanner::DoScan Scanning dir 'C:\Users\piotr\Music\picard\10cc\' as not in the database
12:47:51 T:2108 DEBUG: MUSIC_INFO::CMusicInfoScanner::DoScan Scanning dir 'C:\Users\piotr\Music\picard\10cc\1978 official album - Bloody Tourists\' as not in the database
12:47:51 T:2108 DEBUG: unrecognized ratings schema detected: [email protected]
12:47:51 T:2108 DEBUG: unrecognized ID3 frame detected: PRIV
12:47:51 T:2108 DEBUG: unrecognized ID3 frame detected: TBPM
12:47:51 T:2108 DEBUG: unrecognized ID3 frame detected: TCOM
12:47:51 T:2108 DEBUG: unrecognized ID3 frame detected: TDOR
12:47:51 T:2108 DEBUG: unrecognized ID3 frame detected: TIPL
12:47:51 T:2108 DEBUG: unrecognized ID3 frame detected: TMCL
12:47:51 T:2108 DEBUG: unrecognized ID3 frame detected: TMED
12:47:51 T:2108 DEBUG: unrecognized ID3 frame detected: TPUB
12:47:51 T:2108 DEBUG: unrecognized ID3 frame detected: TSO2
12:47:51 T:2108 DEBUG: unrecognized ID3 frame detected: TSOP
12:47:51 T:2108 DEBUG: unrecognized ID3 frame detected: TSRC
12:47:51 T:2108 DEBUG: unrecognized user text tag detected: TXXX:SCRIPT
12:47:51 T:2108 DEBUG: unrecognized user text tag detected: TXXX:originalyear
12:47:51 T:2108 DEBUG: unrecognized user text tag detected: TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Type
12:47:51 T:2108 DEBUG: unrecognized user text tag detected: TXXX:CATALOGNUMBER
12:47:51 T:2108 DEBUG: unrecognized user text tag detected: TXXX:MusicBrainz Release Track Id
12:47:51 T:2108 DEBUG: unrecognized user text tag detected: TXXX:MusicBrainz Work Id
12:47:51 T:2108 DEBUG: unrecognized user text tag detected: TXXX:Work
12:47:51 T:2108 DEBUG: unrecognized user text tag detected: TXXX:MusicBrainz Release Group Id
12:47:51 T:2108 DEBUG: unrecognized user text tag detected: TXXX:MusicIP PUID
12:47:51 T:2108 DEBUG: unrecognized user text tag detected: TXXX:Writer
12:47:51 T:2108 DEBUG: unrecognized user text tag detected: TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Status
12:47:51 T:2108 DEBUG: unrecognized user text tag detected: TXXX:ASIN
12:47:51 T:2108 DEBUG: unrecognized user text tag detected: TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Release Country
12:47:51 T:2108 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
12:47:51 T:2108 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 32, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
12:47:51 T:2108 DEBUG: MUSIC_INFO::CMusicInfoScanner::DoScan Scanning dir 'C:\Users\piotr\Music\picard\10cc & Godley & Creme\' as not in the database
12:47:51 T:2108 DEBUG: MUSIC_INFO::CMusicInfoScanner::DoScan Scanning dir 'C:\Users\piotr\Music\picard\10cc & Godley & Creme\1987 official album; compilation - Changing Faces_ The Best of 10cc and Godley & Creme\' as not in the database
12:47:51 T:2108 DEBUG: unrecognized ID3 frame detected: TBPM
12:47:51 T:2108 DEBUG: unrecognized ID3 frame detected: TDOR
12:47:51 T:2108 DEBUG: unrecognized ID3 frame detected: TIPL
12:47:51 T:2108 DEBUG: unrecognized ID3 frame detected: TMCL
12:47:51 T:2108 DEBUG: unrecognized ID3 frame detected: TMED
12:47:51 T:2108 DEBUG: unrecognized ID3 frame detected: TPUB
12:47:51 T:2108 DEBUG: unrecognized ID3 frame detected: TSO2
12:47:51 T:2108 DEBUG: unrecognized ID3 frame detected: TSOP
12:47:51 T:2108 DEBUG: unrecognized ID3 frame detected: TSRC
12:47:51 T:2108 DEBUG: unrecognized ID3 frame detected: TSSE
12:47:51 T:2108 DEBUG: unrecognized user text tag detected: TXXX:SCRIPT
12:47:51 T:2108 DEBUG: unrecognized user text tag detected: TXXX:originalyear
12:47:51 T:2108 DEBUG: unrecognized user text tag detected: TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Type
12:47:51 T:2108 DEBUG: unrecognized user text tag detected: TXXX:BARCODE
12:47:51 T:2108 DEBUG: unrecognized user text tag detected: TXXX:TSO2
12:47:51 T:2108 DEBUG: unrecognized user text tag detected: TXXX:MusicBrainz Release Track Id
12:47:51 T:2108 DEBUG: unrecognized user text tag detected: TXXX:MusicBrainz Work Id
12:47:51 T:2108 DEBUG: unrecognized user text tag detected: TXXX:Work
12:47:51 T:2108 DEBUG: unrecognized user text tag detected: TXXX:CATALOGNUMBER
12:47:51 T:2108 DEBUG: unrecognized user text tag detected: TXXX:MusicIP PUID
12:47:51 T:2108 DEBUG: unrecognized user text tag detected: TXXX:TCMP
12:47:51 T:2108 DEBUG: unrecognized user text tag detected: TXXX:Writer
12:47:51 T:2108 DEBUG: unrecognized user text tag detected: TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Status
12:47:51 T:2108 DEBUG: unrecognized user text tag detected: TXXX:ASIN
12:47:51 T:2108 DEBUG: unrecognized user text tag detected: TXXX:MusicBrainz Release Group Id
12:47:51 T:2108 DEBUG: unrecognized user text tag detected: TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Release Country
12:47:52 T:2108 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
12:47:52 T:2108 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 32, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
12:47:52 T:2108 NOTICE: My Music: Scanning for music info using worker thread, operation took 00:01
12:47:52 T:2108 DEBUG: MUSIC_INFO::CMusicInfoScanner::Process - Finished scan
12:47:52 T:2108 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnScanFinished from xbmc
12:47:52 T:2108 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 32, from xbmc, message OnScanFinished
12:47:52 T:2108 DEBUG: Thread MusicInfoScanner 2108 terminating
Here is whole log start to finish
Files used
10cc/1978 official album - Bloody Tourists/01 Dreadlock Holiday.mp3
10cc & Godley & Creme/1987 official album; compilation - Changing Faces_ The Best of 10cc and Godley & Creme/01 Dreadlock Holiday.mp3
The first one works OK and was used for comparison
The second was tagged with:
But this same thing happens with these ones
Common theme seems to be that files in question are tagged with multiple musicbrainz_albumartistid's
Edit: I do not seem to know how to get images and links to work, so I put the bare URLs instead
Edit2: I attached wrong log file. corrected