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[RELEASE] Aeon MQ 6 - Isengard
Hi I hope someone can help me as I am having a lot of trouble using this skin now.
For some reason my Openelec box with Isengard installed has started to occasionally boot into Confluence even though my skin is set to Aeon MQ 6. I thought I would try to back up my settings but when I run this through the Aeon menu to export settings I get a warning telling me that guisettings.xml cannot be found.

Can anyone tell me what might be wrong and how to resolve this issue please?
Does it occur often? I would try and capture a debug log and post in here for help.
hi there, i have a question. Something i tried for days now, but cant get it to work ..

On my main menu, i made 4 entries to my movie folders. Movies 1,2, 3 and 4.

Inside all these folders, i have subfolders (like action, horror, comedy etc.) .. So when i click on MOVIES 3, i will get to another page in kodi, where i can choose from action&crime, horror&thriller or sci-fi. That al works perfectly. But what i want is that, when i highlight horror&thriller, a background image will come from horror&thriller, and when i highlight action&crime, a background from action&crime .. and so on... The icon (folder.jpg) wprks .. but there is no background image...

Whatever i tried so far, no background image appears ... I tried to put an image called fanart.jpg / background.jpg / animation.jpg inside the animation folder (where also the olfder.jpg is that DOES work)
But that does not work. Or do i have to update in some sort of way, so kodi looks again to my structure and then will see the fanart.jpg as background ?

I have included 2 links to images, to show the pages inside my kodi, and you can see the icon from action&crime, but there is no background ..



Is that possible to change in this skin, i love the skin very much, so i would prefer to keep this skin of course :-)

Thanks in advance !!
(2016-02-28, 10:23)djoole Wrote: It has been said several times on this topic.
In order to install MQ6 on Jarvis you need to download the zip, edit addon.xml and replace the 9 by a 10.

On the video part everything is fully compatible (i don't use PVR/music on Kodi so I can't tell for this part)

Since i would like to try "on my skin" (excuse the pun Smile ) can you point me which line of the addon.xml file should i change from 9 to 10? My XML is like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<addon id="skin.aeonmq6" version="3.3.0" name="Aeon MQ 6" provider-name="MarcosQui">
<import addon="xbmc.gui" version="5.9.0"/>
<import addon="service.skin.widgets" version="0.0.30"/>
<import addon="service.library.data.provider" version="0.0.9"/>
<import addon="service.nextup.notification" version="1.0.8"/>
<import addon="script.aeonmq6.extrapack" version="1.0.6"/>
<import addon="script.favourites" version="6.0.2"/>
<import addon="script.artwork.downloader" version="12.0.29"/>
<import addon="script.randomandlastitems" version="2.2.2"/>
<import addon="script.games.rom.collection.browser" version="2.1.2"/>
<import addon="script.artistslideshow" version="1.8.6"/>
<import addon="script.tv.show.next.aired" version="6.0.14"/>
<import addon="script.cu.lrclyrics" version="3.2.0"/>
<import addon="script.toolbox" version="1.1.0"/>
<import addon="script.globalsearch" version="5.0.0"/>
<import addon="script.extendedinfo" version="3.1.1" />
<import addon="script.cinemavision" version="1.0.1" />
<import addon="resource.uisounds.aeonmq6" version="1.0.0"/>
<extension point="xbmc.gui.skin" effectslowdown="0.75" debugging="false">
<res width="1280" height="720" aspect="16:9" default="true" folder="720p"/>
<extension point="xbmc.addon.metadata">
<summary lang="en">Aeon MQ 6, improved, more light and more powerful than ever.</summary>
<summary lang="pt_br">Aeon MQ 6, melhorada, mais leve e mais poderosa do que nunca.</summary>
<description lang="en">The traditional Aeon MQ reaches its sixth edition.[CR]Reformulated, very simple to use, with a new code that provides a lightweight and powerful skin.[CR]The Aeon MQ 6 incorporates new features such as REPLACE which takes the main menu's level of customization to something never seen before.[CR]Aeon MQ 6, you've never seen a skin like this.</description>
<description lang="pt_br">A tradicional Aeon MQ chega a sua sexta edição.[CR]Aeon MQ 6 conta com todos os recursos presentes na versão anterior, no entanto, esses recursos foram otimizados afim de proporcionar uma experiência ainda melhor ao usuário.[CR]Aeon MQ 6, você nunca viu uma skin assim.</description>
Change "xbmc.gui" version="5.9.0" to "xbmc.gui" version="5.10.0" Smile
When click on subtitles it says service not installed - but if in default skin I have full access to the subtitle information - must i install a different subtitle addon

update: resolved the issue but have now gone back to default skin
OK, I must be slipping in my old age... Where is the actual download link? I'm not seeing a repository or zip download link anywhere in the thread. Again, must be slipping.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Version 3.3.0 for Kodi Isengard, available official repository Kodi...

MediaBrazil forum Website - Youtube Channel
MQ9- - 09.15.2023 - Aeon MQ Skin Team
MarcosQui Website Donate and support us.
(2016-03-16, 00:04)Wanilton Wrote: Version 3.3.0 for Kodi Isengard, available official repository Kodi...


I'm wondering if there is a way to make it so that the controllist items don't scroll. Like animate when you browse through your directories and videos. i find it really annoying because i scroll through the items, and half of them disappear. I don't think there is a option since i looked closely for one, but is there a way i can edit the xml files to make the controllist stay fixed? What xml file would i edit? Thanks...

Nvm i figured it out. You just have to go to ViewsRightList.xml and change control type="fixedlist" to control type="list" for those who in future who search to change this.
Trying to install the skin on an Nvidia Shield running the current Android version of Kodi (Jarvis). I modified the xml file but it still won't install from zip and I keep getting "failed to install add-on from zip" error.

Any thoughts or suggestions ?

I'm completely new to the Android platform. I was previously running an Asus Chromebox with OpenElec but was curious to see what all the hype was about regarding the Shield...

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks
Been loving this skin. Also love the Nextup notification. However, all of sudden when it pops up the episode thumb is no longer appearing. Anyone else experience this?
Is there a way to get the Movie, TV etc plot as an outline of the plot as opposed to the full information please? I have tried pressing OK and changing the furniture to hidden etc but when I press info I still get the whole plot.
Do I need to exit the Movie, TV etc after changing the furniture and then go back in for the changes to be effective?

Any help would be appreciated please.
(2016-03-22, 23:24)Me23 Wrote: Been loving this skin. Also love the Nextup notification. However, all of sudden when it pops up the episode thumb is no longer appearing. Anyone else experience this?

Yeah I have been having the same problem the past few weeks! The next episode pop up ( at the end of an earlier episode) now just shows play and stop buttons. The thumb is gone, as well as the synopsis etc. It used to work though, strange!
(2016-03-12, 19:46)esoteradactyl Wrote: Change "xbmc.gui" version="5.9.0" to "xbmc.gui" version="5.10.0" Smile

I have read many times that this is the issue when installing MQ6 on Jarvis. I have done a search on my Android TV box for addon xml and it brings up a million results - can someone please point me toward the correct path where the addon xml needs to be edited...many thanks!
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[RELEASE] Aeon MQ 6 - Isengard4