(I'll be keeping all my questions about a Last.FM scraper in this thread, to keep things somewhat organized)
Is it possible to get access to both artist name and album when searching for albums? It would make results more accurate and easier to parse, plus it would be using the developer API instead of actually scraping the site which is better IMO.
The URL I need to form looks like: http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?method...d244e12a5&artist=Beck&album=Mellow+Gold
It isn't NECESSARY, but it would be nicer if I could do it like that.
Is it possible to get access to both artist name and album when searching for albums? It would make results more accurate and easier to parse, plus it would be using the developer API instead of actually scraping the site which is better IMO.
The URL I need to form looks like: http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?method...d244e12a5&artist=Beck&album=Mellow+Gold
It isn't NECESSARY, but it would be nicer if I could do it like that.