@ Pixel8UK - Yes, it pulls them locally. However, if you don't have any clearlogos, you can use the
Artwork Downloader program to download clearlogo artwork from within Kodi.
You can find the Artwork Downloader by going to Settings>Add-ons>My-Addons>Program addons.
Important: Before you click RUN, I would recommend that you click the Configure button to configure the addon settings first. Have a look through Movies or TV Shows section in the settings and make sure 'Logo' is selected. By default, everything will be ticked. So if you clicked on run before, every single type of artwork available would have downloaded possibly overwriting all your existing local artwork and consuming unncessary disk space if you didn't want all these extra artworks to download. Once you've ticked on what artwork you'd like the addon to download for you, click on OK. Then open the program by clicking on 'Run'. It should start downloading all the logos and other artwork locally for all the movies/tv shows in your library..
Alternatively, if you'd like to download clear logos individually or for specific movies/tv shows, fortunately you can do so since the skin has integrated Artwork Downloader in the skin. You can do this by highlighting the movie/tv show, clicking the context menu button and clicking on TV Show information/Movie information (or pressing the 'i' button on your keyboard). Scroll to the right through the buttons and click on Artwork Downloader and click on Logo. Select the logo you'd like to download and that's it.