(2016-06-04, 21:43)deveng24 Wrote: yes the MBids tags came directly from picard (older ver back in 2012 when album was released) but, im sure ive may have removed the other artist and album artist from the id3 tags some where along the lines.
if i re-run the album today it list 3 album MB artist ids and when i clear kodi and load the newly tagged album it labels the artist node with the 3 artists with the full album in each artist node.
i think however, this is what is at the heart of my issue .... kodi seems to be correctly adding the artist node associated with the MBids however, this is where some of the frustration is .... ive set my id3 tags to only show 1 artist for the simple fact i dont want to scroll 1500 artists while driving vs the 700 artist i do now. Kodi also, only has one sort option of artist... while other programs i can sort with the album artist sort tag in id3 tags... allowing me to reduce the number of "true" artist listed while not losing the MB artist Id..... and maybe that is the solution more sort options in kodi.
anyways, i think kodi will have the issue of mismatched MBids and is the true issue is.... i would offer a solution that id3 tags are the default and matched with the MBids as a check and if true use the MBids to do whatever kodi does with them. Because i see the avg end user being able to correct an id3 tag before a MBid mismatch.
as for users messing with the artist name .... its going to happen ex...special characters used in names from around the world are going to mess with the MBids... i know if i tag some of the music i have from my time in italy with MBids and then tag the same artist with MBids from usa cd, the artist names are different. this is just one more reason to use id3 tags vs MBids
Troy, just to be sure you are aware, you can reduce the number of artists Kodi lists to just the album artists, rather than the artists on every song, by disabling the "Include artist that only appear on compilations" setting. This setting is badly named (and I will try to get it changed before 17 is released).
That being said you may still feel that you have more album artists than you want to see. Filtering by genre is one way to make this list more manageable, or you could create artist playlists based on other criteria. Just suggestions in case you had not thought of that.
The ability to sort by the artist sort tags is something I am currently working on as a new feature in Kodi. I would like to get that into Krypton, but I don't know if I will get it done in time. It will help to have volunteer testers to expedite things once I get something to that stage.
Meanwhile back at mbids....
The real world always comes up with situations I had not anticipated, that is the great value of user input. Thank you for that.
You have tagged using Picard, mbids were added, then at some later time (with those mbids possibly not on view or maybe oblivious to their significance) you have edited the artist and album artist tags. Changing the spelling of a name is no big deal, but removing some artists or replacing one artist with another, and not keeping the mbids inline with these changes, does cause issues. You have done that, other people will do that too.
The common examples are
a) replacing artist1, artist2, artist3 with "Various Artists" or just "artist1"
b) replacing "Various Artists" with "Telstar Classics" or some other general name intended for just some albums not all VA.
So far Kodi is not designed to cope with that.
The current approach is that if mbids are found then that is the user's intension. After all they don't appear in the music files by magic, the user has added them as tags! Kodi trys to use the mbids, and if names are missing it hopes that something later will provide the name. Kodi does not have a way to know that an artist name and mbid match in the Musicbrainz database, all it can do is get them from the same music file and hope the user knows what they are doing and they go together.
It could help if the wiki was clearer on the way mbids are used, and the need for users to take care when making changes to tags in files that have mbids.
But I need to give more thought to what can reasonably be done internally, if anything. The mis-count of a) can be detected but b) is harder. It is tempting to ask users to be responsible for consistent tagging, but probably unrealistic.