2016-06-08, 14:29
I think that you make a great work for Kodi 17.
I've updated my music library (30000 songs , 6000 artists) with Picard, it's work, need to understand in the first time, but then ... easy.
- 90 % found in Musicbrainz, the other I've created myself, import with Picard it's easy, create artists in MB, people help you to start. And when more people create some artists, cd, dvd or songs live is more easy for everybody.
Now I think my music library is verify with MB between 98 % or more. Some problems with artist (french) like "M" or "-M-", or "Tina Turner". But ok with Kodi 16.1.
For the moment i can't test Kodi 17, I use OSMC with Vero2.
That's the good, now the bad with Kodi.
- select artists, I 've never understand "genre", myself i don't understand the difference between "pop" or "poprock" etc. I use the search feature to select artists, but it'isn't funny. And spend time to create a playlist to listen one or some more artists ... For me Split artist search by "first letter or" was very important.
And another question, what's happen with Musical videos (clips).
For me I've two kinds of "clips"
- Concerts , from one or more artists for the concert
- music DVDs which I can split in songs. And there it's not clean in my head. I try
- Picard ( not easy to create DVDs)
- easytag
- mediaelch (to create nfo files)
With Kodi 16x it isn't clean, Update the information is a lot of work, also can you tell what is in the pipes(Kodixxxx) for musical videos.
And another time merci for this sub forum and for the Kodi work from everybody
I think that you make a great work for Kodi 17.
I've updated my music library (30000 songs , 6000 artists) with Picard, it's work, need to understand in the first time, but then ... easy.
- 90 % found in Musicbrainz, the other I've created myself, import with Picard it's easy, create artists in MB, people help you to start. And when more people create some artists, cd, dvd or songs live is more easy for everybody.
Now I think my music library is verify with MB between 98 % or more. Some problems with artist (french) like "M" or "-M-", or "Tina Turner". But ok with Kodi 16.1.
For the moment i can't test Kodi 17, I use OSMC with Vero2.
That's the good, now the bad with Kodi.
- select artists, I 've never understand "genre", myself i don't understand the difference between "pop" or "poprock" etc. I use the search feature to select artists, but it'isn't funny. And spend time to create a playlist to listen one or some more artists ... For me Split artist search by "first letter or" was very important.
And another question, what's happen with Musical videos (clips).
For me I've two kinds of "clips"
- Concerts , from one or more artists for the concert
- music DVDs which I can split in songs. And there it's not clean in my head. I try
- Picard ( not easy to create DVDs)
- easytag
- mediaelch (to create nfo files)
With Kodi 16x it isn't clean, Update the information is a lot of work, also can you tell what is in the pipes(Kodixxxx) for musical videos.
And another time merci for this sub forum and for the Kodi work from everybody