I've seen you did an amazing job with the updates
Four videos on youtube already
some rave reviews! "it’s the first time in a long time that I have been so excited about an add-on"
i've still not installed your new version lol
I've stopped using kodi so I cant test and I just checked on google and I love how you implemented your new stuff!
It got me excited so I thought of some new ideas, I'll share them just incase they pick your fancy.
1/ have a folder "Last Viewed All Addons" at the top of your list which just list last viewed in all addons inclusive of the grouping you did.
2/ I see from some youtube videos you have added thumbnails, is the fanart also included? that would be nice.
3/ As you can se from the youtube videos, alot of folks are using exclusive with addons and not local library
so having option to hide the library stuff
Last Movies
Last Episodes
Last Music Videos
Last Songs
in settings would be awesome!!
on a side note can you add Library to the end of those i.e. Last Movies Library
4/ say I watch something in youtube "Big Buck Bunny animation"
then youtube gets added to last played addon
in the title for kodi addon can you also include the name of the last item that you played in Kodi, so it would show up as
YouTube Big Buck Bunny animation
I'm a big fan of colour so can you change the colour of "Big Buck Bunny animation" or
YouTube / Big Buck Bunny animation
whatever you feel like
so If I watched another video next, the title on home page for your addon will note that
YouTube / star trek trailer
and have the ability to toggle this in settings would be great, keep on by default I think though.
5/ how are you listing the order of the addons that show on home page?
if not can you order by last viewed addon, so in essence the addons move around.
6/ Have a folder "Hidden"
and the ability to place any addon (and its related list of last viewed items) in hidden folder
and in settings allow the ability to see hidden folder
7/ regarding number 5 on your list
I use this script to trigger a search on the title im hovering over in another addon (created by spoyser)
the llist of addons can be found in super favorites addon
I map my favourite addons so If Im in addon A I can with just one click of remote search that in addon b AND spoyser has code that when I press back I go back to addon A, really nice code!
need to replace whats in MASH to change what addons your looking at
MASH = 'ActivateWindow(10025,"plugin://plugin.video.genesis/?action=movies_search&query=[%SF%]"
anyway the code might help you think of your own way to add the feature you was thinking of.
8/ this feature Im excited about
In Super Favourites the dev has its own context menu (which can be the default and you can also trigger kodi context menu within it)
hes got an option
"Open Super Favourites Folder"
a window pops up populated with everything that is in the addon super favourites
so you navigate like your in the addon without having to go in the addon. (within the window)
(If you dont know what Im referring please download super favourites and try it)
so it would be amazing if you can do the same thing.
then maybe somehow create a script and allow the ability to chose what key triggers the key and place that setting in the settings addon?
so I can find my last viewed item instantly anywhere.
you can ask Spoyser to borrow his code, he's a great dev
9/ in settings have an option to delete last viewed items like
"last hour"
"last day"
"last week"
"from beginning of time"
something like that
10/ you've got the option to show date, can you have an option to show by day also (convert date into a day i.e 20/8/2016 to Saturday)
thats would be easier to relate to that a date
then can you have empty folders to separate content by day.
so say today is saturday
If I go into youtube folder (in last played)
it will show something like this
games of thrones trailer
how to fix
egadget tutorials
whatever I watched on Thursday
etc, maybe have an option to toggle adding the this in settings.
loving the addon!