Solved Finnish month names
There is a small bug in the Finnish Kodi translation. It causes the end parts of every month name to appear twice.
For example July is heinäkuukuu when it should be heinäkuu.

I already found a fix for this. Open addons\resource.language.fi_fi\resources\langinfo.xml and change

<datelong>D. MMMM'kuuta 'YYYY</datelong>


<datelong>D. MMMM'ta 'YYYY</datelong>

I'd appreciate it if a dev could make this change in the official Finnish language addon.
Kodi @ NVidia Shield Android TV, Asrock J3455-ITX (LibreELEC Server), Windows 10, and Nexus 7 (2013)
will take care of it
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Thank you. The months are displayed correctly now.
Kodi @ NVidia Shield Android TV, Asrock J3455-ITX (LibreELEC Server), Windows 10, and Nexus 7 (2013)
Thread marked solved.

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