Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
[Skinning XBMC] HOW-TO Start?
I am a graphic artist and I have since month the vision of creating my own skin. I started now to make PSD Files etc. and to develop a concept. My problem is, that I don't know how to start with the XML Files. I tryed just to make a Home.xml-File to test the basics from the Skinning Manual, but I always get the error "Incompatible Skin". So which files are really essential for my first tests?
I am really willed to spend time in this project and to learn the XML-Cycle but for that I need the condition to try-out things with the Engine.
I has still tryed to modify other skins to get into the "content", but starting something own is different...

I hope theres someone and can help me a little bit, thank you. =)
There is a skin in the Skinning SVN directory called Empty, that should help you getting started.

Here is the SVN Checkout url for the Empty skin directory:

If your not familliar with SVN (subversion), I recommend reading this tutorial on 'How to use a SVN client' by xboxbox451

Here again the Skinning page on the XBMC Manual:

Hope this helps, mostly learning to skin is a lot of trial and error and reading, checking other skins, good luck!
Hey thank you. That is exaclty what I needed. =)
What a nice Community with very helpful people here!

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[Skinning XBMC] HOW-TO Start?0