Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Xbox One Media Remote + Flirc Streamcom Edition
I recently finished building a new HTPC. For a while I was looking for a simple remote and came upon the Xbox One Media remote. To me it is the perfect remote. Its small but not too small and has back lighting that activates with movement of the remote.

I originally struggled with getting the remote to work with my HTPC. I needed the remote to wake the HTPC from the OFF state. I originally installed the Inteset IRS5-01 basic kit in my HTPC thinking it would work. Unfortunately it only works with media center remotes or IR RC6 remotes. The Xbox One Media remote, as I found out was not IR RC6.

I then stumbled upon the Flirc Streamcom Edition IR receiver. I was able to install this device inside my case and fully program it to the Xbox One Media Remote (without eventghost). It has been great and I highly recommend it. If anyone has any questions about the install let me know. Maybe I will put up some pictures in the showcase thread as well.

I just wanted to share my experience so that I could potentially help others.
Setting the power button. One of my only hurdles working with the Flirc SE was setting up the remote to power on the computer. I couldn't find any clear documentation on it and had to dig through the forums to find a solution (I could also suck at searching).

To set the Power button on the remote on a Windows device you need to open a command window to the flirc install directory.

Run the command "flirc_util.exe record power" (without quotes) and press the button on the remote you want to use to power the HTPC on or off.
Thanks for sharing. I've always wanted to test out the Flirc SE, but haven't had a need to yet. If I do, now I know how to program the power button :)

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Xbox One Media Remote + Flirc Streamcom Edition1