I had to go back to 1.3.1. 1.4 is causing XBMC to core dump.
Hard to debug as the backtrace doesn't show much from a perspective of where we were in the py files. It only shows default.py.
Anyhow, the core dump happens when I select one of my custom feeds.
The last thing in xbmc.log before the crash is:
13:40:34 T:2897202064 M:116916224 NOTICE:
13:40:34 T:3053483904 M:116916224 WARNING: GetLabel - Unknown nodetype requested 0
13:40:37 T:2897202064 M:112390144 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
13:40:37 T:2897202064 M:112390144 NOTICE:
13:40:37 T:2897202064 M:112390144 NOTICE: arguments:['1', '?rss_url="""http://www.nzbs.org/rss.php?catid=10&i=11550&commentedout!?!Browse Music (Videos)!?!""",cookie="""""",old_handle="1"']
13:40:37 T:2897202064 M:112390144 NOTICE:
13:40:37 T:2897202064 M:111247360 NOTICE: Feed cache old or non existant, using fresh feed
13:40:37 T:2897202064 M:111247360 NOTICE:
13:40:37 T:2897202064 M:111247360 NOTICE: sabnzbd-xbmc parsing:
13:40:37 T:2897202064 M:111247360 NOTICE:
13:40:37 T:2897202064 M:111247360 NOTICE: sabnzbd-xbmc parsing uri
13:40:37 T:2897202064 M:111247360 NOTICE:
13:40:37 T:2897202064 M:111247360 NOTICE: feedparser looking for cookie
13:40:37 T:2897202064 M:111247360 NOTICE:
Not sure that helps or not.