v17 Artist = Various Artists?
So I have a soundtrack album that I ripped. The metadata source (I think it was G3) tagged it with
Artist: Various Artists
Album Artist: Various Artists

I don't have any MBIDs on it.

So in the database, it has for artist table:

1 strArtist [Missing Tag] strMusicBrainzArtistID Artist Tag Missing
2 strArtist Various artists
3 strArtist Richard Rodgers (tagged as composer)
4 strArtist Oscar Hammerstein II (tagged as lyricist)

So Music artist node shows 0 artists. When "Show song & album artists" is ON, the artists node is empty. When "Show song & album artists" is OFF, the artists node shows artist "Various artists".

If I go to the Roles/Song & album artists node it is empty regardless of the setting. Roles/Album artists shows "Various artists".

Is this the design? It doesn't seem intuitive. And if nothing is going to be shown in the node, the node should be hidden (Library.HasContent(music) doesn't really work for this. The musicroles/Allartists node has no visibility condition set on it.) Maybe there is a need for Library.HasContent(role, artist).

scott s.
Thanks Scott, interesting corner example, your music collection does turn them up! I doubt that using "various artists" as a song artist has ever been considered before, the consequences are accident not design. Not entirely sure I can come up with something sensible for this without also dealing with the other more well known issue involving language setting changes and VA, so not in Krypton, but I will look.

I can't try at the moment but Library.HasContent(role, artist) could work
I should give some background:

I was coding my skin for the music roles viewmodes, and noticed that the "remixers" and "lyricists" nodes were showing but were empty (0929 win32 build). I looked in the music60 db and do have artists assigned to those roles so for some reason they aren't displaying. But the Library.HasContent(role, lyricist) does return "true" which is correct. So I wanted to troubleshoot what is happening and installed build 1006 win32 and a test music source. As it turned out, I had tagged 2 of 19 songs on the "Cinderella" soundtrack album with lyricist (I think mainly to test the tag) so my test source only had that single album to scan. The good news is that the lyricists node did display "Oscar Hammerstein II" but the bad news is that I don't know why it isn't displaying in 0929 build.

Musicbrainz has this release in its database (00359158-0923-42ac-a559-f9367d88c962) and has release credit of "Rodgers & Hammerstein" which I don't think I can agree with.

So partly, when online metadata credits "Original Broadway Cast" or the like, I don't think using that as an "artist" is correct. I suppose ideally it would have the actual lead/solo performers for each song. (I have another soundtrack album for "I Do, I Do", with the same problem.) On "Cinderella" some songs have a role of "vocalist" in Musicbrainz.

After thinking about it I may change the artist to something like "Cinderella - Original Broadway Cast". But I do have soundtrack songs where there never was a performer credit given (typically this was done by a "house" or "backing" ensemble, or even just a piano) so need some way to tag the artist on those when artist is "unknown".

scott s.

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Artist = Various Artists?0