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How do we use the Genre Icons with Arctic Zephyr
I'm on Beta 5, i'm running Arctic Zephyr from the repo, i've got the arctic zephyr genre icons pack installed from the repo... but there's no icons being displayed...

am i being really stupid here?
I don't think you are - in that case I'm stupid too. Wink I've done the same as you, but no genre icons are displaying. Would love to have someone chime in and give some pointers. Something tells me it's not supported (I've seen some posts by jurialmunkey in other threads saying he has plans to add it, but those are from 2015)..
(2016-11-09, 22:42)Krismyklebust Wrote: I don't think you are - in that case I'm stupid too. Wink I've done the same as you, but no genre icons are displaying. Would love to have someone chime in and give some pointers. Something tells me it's not supported (I've seen some posts by jurialmunkey in other threads saying he has plans to add it, but those are from 2015)..

Thanks, Just seems strange that there's an image pack for Arctic Zephyr, but no way to use them..
The pack was implemented in my AZ mod, don't think it made it into the official version.
(2016-11-10, 01:35)braz Wrote: The pack was implemented in my AZ mod, don't think it made it into the official version.

Ah, Ok.. thanks

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How do we use the Genre Icons with Arctic Zephyr0