2016-11-15, 01:18
On a normal TV, when I want to go from e.g. channel 1 to channel 10, I can just hit the corresponding key on my remote ten times and will be at channel #10 quite quickly; channels in between are skipped. When I want to do the same in Kodi with DVBViewer, I have to go one channel up and wait until it's been loaded, then go up another channel and wait until it's been loaded and so on, which takes forever. If I hit the channel-up key on my remote ten times i.e. not waiting for the next channel in between to finish loading, Live TV will hang for half minute or so and then crash completely (not Kodi though).
Same happens when going to channels directly using the corresponding number-keys: I always have to what for the requested channel to finish loading first, before I can change to another channel. Say I wanna go from channel 1 to 5, so I press "5" on my remote. If I change my mind then and want to go to channel 2 instead, i have to wait for channel 5 to finish loading first, otherwise Live TV will freeze and then crash.
Not sure if it's a bug or (not yet implemented) feature, but I'd like to see a faster channel browsing. Just to be clear: I'm not talking about the 1-2 seconds loading time a channel needs to load. I understand that cannot be improved. I am talking about changing to another channel when in that 1-2 seconds time window. The addon should abort the loading-process when it receives another channel-change command and load that new channel instead without freezing and crashing.
Same happens when going to channels directly using the corresponding number-keys: I always have to what for the requested channel to finish loading first, before I can change to another channel. Say I wanna go from channel 1 to 5, so I press "5" on my remote. If I change my mind then and want to go to channel 2 instead, i have to wait for channel 5 to finish loading first, otherwise Live TV will freeze and then crash.
Not sure if it's a bug or (not yet implemented) feature, but I'd like to see a faster channel browsing. Just to be clear: I'm not talking about the 1-2 seconds loading time a channel needs to load. I understand that cannot be improved. I am talking about changing to another channel when in that 1-2 seconds time window. The addon should abort the loading-process when it receives another channel-change command and load that new channel instead without freezing and crashing.