Help with error in kodi.log ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting
ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting

I just checked my kodi.log, and found some strange error lines about video files. Most of those movies are deleted, both from library (that newly scanned also btw) and both folder and files are deleted from the hdd.

What can that be?

Vero 4K with unRAID server and mysql (mariadb)
I suspect that this is the cure:

... based on this discussion as mentioned in that first post:

In a nutshell, Kodi doesn't really clean these things out completely, and instead remembers everything that it's ever seen.
(2016-11-16, 15:41)Prof Yaffle Wrote: I suspect that this is the cure:

... based on this discussion as mentioned in that first post:

In a nutshell, Kodi doesn't really clean these things out completely, and instead remembers everything that it's ever seen.

Gonna lock into that. Maybe this is the same problem I kind of have with UPnP, where shows deleted from main library, and files and folder, still shows up in the shared UPnP library even there's no episodes in it (part 2 of my second problem in this thread

EDIT: Worth to mention is that I had a local library in OpenELEC, then edited the advancedsettings and run MySQL from another server, then went back to local library and updated to LibreELEC with Kodi 17 beta 3 (and now beta 5).

I guess I should have deleted the database files....

Vero 4K with unRAID server and mysql (mariadb)
Well, now I tested that addon. After that I did a normal clean up.

Still that error is there. After all the error about movies, there's also 2 lines about 2 shows that I've deleted from the library, and also the folders.

19:27:56 T:139866213971712 WARNING: Process directory '/media/hdd5/videos/series/Derek/' does not exist - skipping scan.
19:27:56 T:139866213971712 WARNING: Process directory '/media/hdd6/videos/series/Mad Men/' does not exist - skipping scan.

I have no problem with these shows in my main library (can't find them) but they are there over UPnP. See here.

Also, about the path errors for the movies. Some movies I still got, and they are in my library, working. Some are not scanned, and some dirs are path are not even existing any longer.

This path is an old path, used before I changed my mounts.

Anyway, I even removed my database now, and rescanning my library. Will see then..

Looks better now.

Vero 4K with unRAID server and mysql (mariadb)
(2016-11-16, 15:41)Prof Yaffle Wrote: I suspect that this is the cure:

... based on this discussion as mentioned in that first post:

In a nutshell, Kodi doesn't really clean these things out completely, and instead remembers everything that it's ever seen.

Like I said, I had to remove my database and rescan it.

But I had another problem, that I think might have something to do with this?

An empty tvshow folder, that is scanned as a show to the library but with no episodes. When being deleted in Kodi (the show and folder) it's still there in the UPnP libary.

Vero 4K with unRAID server and mysql (mariadb)
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I can’t watch any movies. It tells me to check my log and when I do I get error get directory-error getting? How do I fix this?
(2018-12-27, 03:14)Mandi025 Wrote: How do I fix this?
Start by providing a Debug Log...

  1. Enable Debugging mode. Go to Settings>System Settings>Logging and it should be the first option or press ctrl-shift-d on a keyboard
  2. Restart Kodi
  3. Replicate the problem by doing whatever it is that causes the error message
  4. Upload the log using either the:
    a. Manual method to Kodi Paste Site. Log location is detailed here... Log_file/Advanced#Location (wiki), or
    b. Add-on method using the Kodi Logfile Uploader. (wiki) With either method post the address link in the address bar in a new post here.
Note: Full logs only. No partial or redacted logs
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Help with error in kodi.log ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting0