(2016-12-01, 19:49)DaveBlake Wrote: @malvinas2 you seem to be saying there is a use for a scraped track list (and you can scrape track lists). What is that use?
Use? Well, not really, that's what I outlined in the second paragraph.
But I remember having asked a similar question some time ago when I was wondering why my local nfo-files don't contain information about track numbers and names. The language definition used within the nfo-files indeed supports the appropriate tags, but none of the known programs like MediaElch, TinyMediaManager etc. makes use of them.
These programs could scrape the information from musicbrainz or they could gather them from the id3-tags, but none of this is realized in practice.
And before one has to take a detour using these programs, it would be better if Kodi itself does it.
(it's just that I prefer having all album and artist information within a 'centralized' nfo-file, including the track names, inspite of the information being scattered across various mp3-files . But I know that most of the users and the Kodi-Team prefer using the id3-tags)
EDIT: Just discovered the discussion about discographys
It would be nice, if track names and discographies were handled in the same manner: At the moment I fill in manually the albums published by an artist (at least this music feature is supported by MediaElch) and Kodi compares this information with the locally existing albums (well, don't know if Kodi really does). Maybe track names could be treated the same way, information in the nfo-file about track names is used, which Kodi compares with available tracks.
Probably, it won't give you additional information at all, but I don't like to maintain some part of information saved in a nfo-file, and other parts of information within the id3-tags. This way it gets convoluted, unclear and unmanageable.