Featherence v0.7.0 (16-01-17)
- ***Added Krypton support***.
- Added action information in skin design window for Buttons, Sub Buttons and Widgets.
- Added Artist Slideshow support (WIP).
- Added auto-skin resolution support for touch devices and new TV with high resolution.
- Added feature to show video/audio OSD by mouse clicking the top information bar.
- Added left menu settings icon for skin's views.
- Added option to ignore fanart for movies/tvshows widget.
- Added music visualation support.
- Added Party Mode feature to music library.
- Added Premiered information to Side List view instead of year when available.
- Added ScrollBar support to PVR Guide window.
- Added show ratings feature to Side Wall view.
- Added Topvideoinformation layer for DialogFavourites window.
- Major update of skin animation performance (Less slow down!).
- Minor bugs fix.
- Minor update of skin layouts.
- Minor update of SmartPlaylistEditor window.
- Minor update of widget's labels design.