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Organise movies

Does anyone know of an easy way to put all of my movies in there own seperate folder? Right now i have about 250 movies all in the same directory. Manually creating a folder for each is going to be a bitch.Sad

Thanks in advance.
HTPC 1 : Acer revo R3700 ion2 HTPC 2 :Apple TV2 HTPC 3 : Apple TV2 HTPC4 Acer revo R3700 ion2 Remote : x2 Riimote2
SERVER : 10TB Ubuntu Server 10.04, dual wintv nova hd s2 cards, tvheadend, Newcs, Omnikey reader, White *Sky uk* Card, Mysql Db, Sabnzbdplus, SickBeard, Couchpotato, FlexRaid. :cool:
Would this work:

I haven't tried it myself.
That worked perfect. Thanks a lot.
HTPC 1 : Acer revo R3700 ion2 HTPC 2 :Apple TV2 HTPC 3 : Apple TV2 HTPC4 Acer revo R3700 ion2 Remote : x2 Riimote2
SERVER : 10TB Ubuntu Server 10.04, dual wintv nova hd s2 cards, tvheadend, Newcs, Omnikey reader, White *Sky uk* Card, Mysql Db, Sabnzbdplus, SickBeard, Couchpotato, FlexRaid. :cool:
Is there any programs that anyone knows of that can do something similar, putting movies into genre folders?
joebrady Wrote:Is there any programs that anyone knows of that can do something similar, putting movies into genre folders?

do you have something that lists what genre it should be in? (.nfo / xml / txt file)

If not, the movie (if listed on imdb) could be searched for and the genre returned, however most movies fall into multiple genres.

Or are you looking for a manual type of gui driven app that can do it?

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