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Kodi v18 Name: Leia
Lex Luther


Best suggestions IMO:
Lahar - Mud flow caused by a volcanic eruption
My Kodi v18 name suggestion is: LABYRINTH
I surmise most people know what a Labyrinth is. For those not in the know or just not quite sure, here is a definition refresher> A Labyrinth is a complex maze or building and is of Greek origins. Inclusively, the spiral shape body of a sea shell is also considered a Labyrinth.
The modern day meaning of the term Labyrinth is considered as a maze or baffling puzzle...(see footnote1)
Admitedly, I took a shortcut finding the name Labyrinth by Googling "Greek mythology starting with L". Due to the spelling 'LAB'yrinth, it was at the top of list. Upon spotting Labyrinth, it seemed an instant fit. I read through entire L list twice, only to reinforce my initial choice of Labyrinth.
In my opinion all of it's associations and historical references of Labyrinth can be applied to Kodi v18.
1) If we were to map out or diagram all the versions of Kodi and how they "pathed" onto each other, I would imagine it looking similar to a maze.
2) The dedicated developers of Kodi probably could attest to it being like a baffling puzzle from time to time as they work out bugs and such.
3) A spiral proceeds from one level to the next by staying on the same path. Kodi symbolically reprsents the spiral princple as it follows the path of Kodi development with each version bringing us to a new level of improvement.
4) The Kodi app or program in itself is like a maze or puzzle. At least I found it to be that way. That's not a bad thing, in fact it's part of the charm of Kodi. The plug-ins, add-ons, extensions and all everything else is not something most can master in only one exposure to Kodi. It's not boring,with enough to learn and keep our interest.
If those four points aren't convincing enough to lock what Labyrinth represents to Kodi's journey arriving at v18, here are two bonus points:
5) 2008-2017=9yrs. One historical reference states that King Minos, having built a famous Labyrinth on Crete, would capture young Athenians every 9 years and place them in the Labyrinth for sport until their death. This was done in order to avenge the murder of King Minos's son...(see footnote 2)
6)v18....eighteen....18. it is considered the "coming of age" for young people. It is the age most of us graduate High School. It's when we actually "step" into the world with no turning back. We are now just beginning our journey in unraveling the puzzle of ourselves and life. The complexity of the world begins to really show. Kodi v18, is it just a number or is Kodi at a point where it's coming of age?

Maybe I put too much thought into this naming thing, but it's a habit of mine to defend my viewpoints thourghly.

FOOTNOTES 1 & 2= the info presented was derived from website developers of "Messagenet Communications Research"...
Original copyright 1996-2005 Michael Stewart

Disclaimer: Should Labyrinth be chosen as Kodi v18 name, I relinquish all rights of ownership, creator and mentor and there upon giving Kodi these same rights I have relinquished. Furthermore I will have no expectations of reference or acknowledgement to myself, from Kodi, as being the originator of Kodi v18 name.Conclusively I will not make any public documentations indicating myself as the source of Kodi v18 name

I would like to suggest "Luther" for the name.
It's a good, strong name.
Also, it works with Krypton/Superman theme.
Legend or Lobster

Or Legendary Lobster

(looking at you zoidberg!)
LOVETOY ! Big Grin






Lana - Lois- Lane


lycantroph or lycan
Legend is my choose
I would like to Suggest "LUCIFER" as the name for Kodi18 not sure if it has already been posted
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Kodi v18 Name: Leia8