Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
How to backup config ?
Hello all,

I'm really enjoyed by this addon. I spent lot of time to configure menus, items... and I would appreciate to backup the configuration. I'm probably a bit stupid (thank you ^^), but I can't find any option to do that using menus. I can find it with other skins...

Where should I find a "backup" option ?

Thank you,
I haven't seen any skins or add-ons that offer their own backup options. So far I've only seen embedded systems like OpenELEC and LibreELEC offer full system backup and restore. For other systems where kodi is installed as an application there is an Add-on that offers to create full and customisable Kodi backups automatically on the Official Add-On Repo I believe. Alternatively you could navigate the applications files and find the settings files for the skin and other add-ons and copy it to a safe location, however the location of the files varies depending on the system being used.

Edit: corrected spellling mistake
Thank you for your answer.

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