Concept Horizon
Gifs do work I used them in the fireworks effect for holiday mod in madnox..... If your using for skin I would stay short as possible.
Shield TV | Windows 10 | Mariadb | Mii Box
Evolve Ecosystem Repo | TV Melodies | Madnox Holiday Mod
It wont be a cluster of gifs. IF you look at the FireTV, when u stay on a movie or a button a shiny effect starts to loop. I would like to know if that's possible using a resisable gif so I can make it fit to anything starting from posters to little buttons.
I haven't tried packing a gif but I do know that they will work.. only thing with a gif is time if and it's start point... If you make the gifs you shouldn't have an issue though because you can set its stat point.
Shield TV | Windows 10 | Mariadb | Mii Box
Evolve Ecosystem Repo | TV Melodies | Madnox Holiday Mod
This is the effect I was thinking of. I can ditch it on movies But i'd like it on buttons, like you can see on the main menu.

***Right click on the video and select "loop" ***

Very tricky. I reckon you could do the menu items easily, but the diagonal movement across the posters might not be possible.

I may be wrong, but I strongly suspect an overlaid gif animation won't have the smoothness that you're looking for. if it were me, i'd start experimenting with the in built animation engine, using the onfocus trigger in a list control to move a small transparent .png across the base image.

The problem with the diagonal movement on the posters is that the overlay is incrementally 'revealed' as it moves across the poster, and Kodi doesn't allow for the masking that would be required to hide content that is outside the 'box' of the poster. Sorry if that's not exactly clear - it's rather difficult to explain! Bottom line: it's gonna get very hacky, it might well not be possible.
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[Skin] Pellucid
[Skin] Maximinimalism
If you have Jarvis, install skin.eunique, goto skin settings, enable 'Smoke machine'.

Then go to /kodi/addons/skin.eunique/extras/cerberus, you will 145 images saved as transparents frames. They are then overlayed via a multiimage control.

More or less what you are asking Wink

EDIT! Sorry you want it over buttons/items, but same can be applied via a multiimage shown last with transparent png's
Yeah multiimage with transparent png frames is far superior to gif for animation as it will work on all machines - gif doesn't work properly on Android if I remember correctly.
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Only downside of that is that it is rendered on screen all the time, effectively disabling dirty regions. This can cause higher CPU usage as the full screen is rendered at 60fps all the time.
Which is rendered on screen at all times the multiimage or the gif... And would visible tag make is so it wasn't render until condition was meet?
Shield TV | Windows 10 | Mariadb | Mii Box
Evolve Ecosystem Repo | TV Melodies | Madnox Holiday Mod
At this point the best solution is to forget about it I think! Either way thanks for the explanations guys! Appreciated.
Control fade label get control id in a var another way I'm thinking.
Amazing project i think this is the best can i saw!
To return to the effect, I think on the contrary that on the posters its very nice and it does not interfere with the navigation
5 October 2020? i hope is not the release date Big Grin
Guys U have to bear with me, But this is critical since the main menu, for me, dictates how the whole skin will look. Added a little bit more depth to it... Once I get that right I'm gonna stop posting so many images of the same thing :/
Also @Wondah I fixed that for you! Didn't want to panic anyone hehe


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