2017-02-01, 23:52
(2017-02-01, 23:12)SkywalkerPD Wrote: Okay, got it fixed. But I don't know why. What I did was add one script.module named buggalo. I found errors refering to this in the log.
I installed the skin again, now with the .zip file. Before I didn't install, but just uploaded the skin with FTP.
Before installing I got this error. Wich was strange, because script.skin.helper.colorpicker was present on the system.
xecuteAsync - Not executing non-existing script script.skin.helper.colorpicker
After installing with the .zip, there are still errors, but it works.
I can't say for that module, since I've never heard of it before, it was probably a dependency to some other addons you're running?
As for the zip you mention, did you mean the skin zip or the colorpicker addon zip? I've tried to set-up the skin dependencies in the addon.xml of the latest version to attempt to download and install all three of the skin helper addons (service, widgets, colorpicker), to avoid precisely these kinds of issues. Now I'm hoping that that didn't contribute to the problems.
As far as the error goes, I've encountered it, or something similar, in two cases:
1. When the skin is freshly installed/has no settings, it takes a while for everything to populate. If you go to the color settings too soon, the skin doesn't identify the type of header being used, which is needed for the colours to work, and hence, the colour picking goes bonkers;
2. When you're trying to click on a colour while the entire palette hasn't loaded up yet. This only applies to the palettes other than Basic, since they have multiple pages/rows of colours to pick from. You can see that the loading is in progress if the colour you're hovering over doesn't zoom in. From what I read from the log, I'd say that this is the more likely situation for your errors.
Either way, thankfully, it's not a skin error as much as an addon quirk.