The current repo version of Skin Shortcuts is
not compatible with Leia.
The 'master' branch on git includes basic compatibility patches for Leia, but the hope is that these patches won't be in future repo updates for Krypton and earlier (not least because they're really nasty patches, from a clean-code POV), depending on exactly how long the following takes to complete:
The '
Leia' branch on git is where v18 development is happening. It will have not only full-compatibility with Leia, but is also taking the opportunity to refactor large amounts of code, remove large amounts of old and little-used code, move towards pep8 code standards for the first time and break backwards compatibility - this is the branch that any v18 skin should ideally be tested against unless you're looking at being on the repo before the Leia version of the script is complete.
(Please note that I'm going to be very strict with regards feedback on the Leia version of the script - by all means report any issues you find, bearing in mind that there already are known breakages and there will be more, but not only is there no particular hurry to have the script ready and working before Leia hits beta, but I'm going to absolutely require a full debug log before I look into any report