howto sort channels?

How can I sort channels using VDR VNSI Client on Kodi 17 (LibreELEC 8)?
I've searched for channels in General -> PVR Live TV and found nearly 1000 channels (DVB-S2). Now I want to filter these channels and I opened group manager, added a new group and inserted all needed channels from ungrouped channels list to my new group.
Ok, that's fine but how can I sort channels in my group?

I've also tried to place a presorted channels.conf to /storage/.kodi/addons/service.multimedia.vdr-addon/config/channels.conf but it is ignored. It seems that Kodi only adds channels to the SQLite Database .kodi/userdata/Database/TV29.db and channels.conf is ignoried. Am I right? Is there any AddOn to easily sort the channels list?

I don't use libreelec vdr, but debian vdr.

Did you stop the vdr service before you copied the channels.conf? vdr ignores all file changes while it is active.

I sorted my channels.conf with nano. If you are from Germany this site may help you to find the channels you need. Simply copy and paste:

Greetings Hoppel
frontend: nvidia shield tv 2019 pro | apple tv 4k | sonos arc 5.1.2 | lg oled65c97la
backend: supermicro x11ssh-ctf | xeon | 64gb ecc | wd red | zfs raid-z2 | dd max s8

software: debian | proxmox | openmediavault | docker | kodi | emby | tvheadend | fhem | unifi
Yes, I stopped kodi (systemctl stop kodi) and I also killed vdr.bin before replacing channels.conf (copied from too) but this file seems to be ignored. After restarting kodi I still have the unsorted channels list available while channels.conf is untouched and still sorted.
Apologies if I'm a million miles off, but have you checked 'Use channel order from backend(s)' and 'Use channel numbers from backend' in settings > PVR&LiveTV?
All my channels / groups are set in my backend, kodi just follows from that.
Yes, I have checked "Synchronize channel groups with backend(s)", "use channel order from backend(s)" and "use channel numbers from backend". I also have tried "clear data" which should reimport data from the backend but unfortunately there is still no presorted channels list.
Got it!
I replaced the channels.conf in /storage/.kodi/addons/service.multimedia.vdr-addon/config/channels.conf but there is another one in /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.multimedia.vdr-addon/config/channels.conf! After replacing that one, it is working!
Great! Have fun with your vdr! Wink
frontend: nvidia shield tv 2019 pro | apple tv 4k | sonos arc 5.1.2 | lg oled65c97la
backend: supermicro x11ssh-ctf | xeon | 64gb ecc | wd red | zfs raid-z2 | dd max s8

software: debian | proxmox | openmediavault | docker | kodi | emby | tvheadend | fhem | unifi
I use this application:

It has a problem with DVB-T2 channels at least. Some field is too shor and it breaks those channels but DVB-S/S2 as well as SD channels in terrestial site works well. So if you need something more than just simple text editor.

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