Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
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One last request (unless there's a way to do it already I have overlooked). In some areas, when you select an item, the icon beside it to the left enlarges. Is there a way to disable that, or can one be added? Thank you.
You'll need to be more specific.. I'm not sure exactly what you're referring to?
Drats! Smile I can't remember where it was now. I'll update here when I come across it again. But, it may be a few days. I don't see it very often.
I found the spots, but I am actually going to delete this post (after some time for you to see the reply). Seems like it's only in the settings section, and that's not really worth bothering you for since once things are setup, you don't have to go in there as much. Smile I am trying to decide between using my NVIDIA Shield and a HTPC. So, I am setting it up in the HTPC now. Smile

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