Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
v17 Teletext subtitles for hearing impaired
Good day, since I am hearing impaired, it is important for me to be able to use the teletext subtitle. As you can see in the first picture, the teletext subtitle in the Kodi is unusable, since the background respectively the teletext side is black. Also the intense try in the settings, has brought nothing. After various email with the support of DVBLogic is the problem clearly with kodi.
To make sure that my system is in order, I have tried the VLC player and see second picture, it has worked.
Now I would be really glad, if this problem would corrected in kodi. What do I have to do for that?

P1 teletext subtitle with kodi

P2 teletext subtitle with VLC
This is a known issue and to my knowledge exists only in Windows-platform and is not DVBLink related. Actually this issue surfaced with Kodi 16 first time (if I remember correctly) worked before OK. Would be nice to have this solved.

In general the teletext subtitle functionality in Kodi would need more work to make it usable but with limited Kodi-development power, this is prioritized very low.
Hello goodton, thanks for your input. I can't understand if in version 15 this worked and then suddenly stopped working. Hope this bug comes back to running.
Good day, I found the following about my problem: 
I am not sure if this ticket concerns only the text or the whole screen.
According to this fixes the problem was already solved and implemented in the version 12. 
In any case, this is the right one.
Why is it possible that this fixes from version 16 will not work anymore? The priority of the ticket is 4 normal (1 lowest to 7 highest) and of which there are 1064 pieces but none with higher priority.

Now to my question: So it should be possible to correct this bug in a relatively short time or not?

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