2017-04-19, 19:21
![Full sized picture Image](https://cdn0.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/fbhA2IS8AW14o3eD32IEm9MCgaw=/0x59:5945x4022/1200x800/filters:focal(0x59:5945x4022)/cdn0.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/48404811/EF9500_webOS_3.0.0.jpg)
Hi everyone,
I have a request for the développer...
I think they're no New cool skin since a lot of time, I have a lg tv and I like the webos very much.
I think it'll be a beautiful skin for kodi but I didn't know how to make skins...
So are they someone wich be interest to make it ? I can contribute with donate for the work, I know it takes lot of time to create skin so, liée we say in France, tout travail mérite salaire
I hope someone will be enthousiasm to make this skin.