2008-12-17, 07:50
Er...ok. Listen, I'm an utter noob, so please explain in detail.... Are you saying I should be looking for "cat /etc/hosts" in my terminal window after I've entered the script?
Sekou Wrote:Er...ok. Listen, I'm an utter noob, so please explain in detail.... Are you saying I should be looking for "cat /etc/hosts" in my terminal window after I've entered the script?
Sekou Wrote:And there it is! Ahhh Davilla...is there anything you don't know?
davilla Wrote:Do you have ssh enabled on the AppleTV?
thesaint Wrote:Hi Davilla,
I don't think so .. how can I check? because when I first got my Apple TV, I did the whole trick with he USB & I was able to successfully install XBMC on my Apple TV. I could run all my media up until one day I switched on my Apple TV and boom, XBMC was gone.
I am a complete noob when it comes to this stuff. So your help would be greatly appreciated.
yzeyze Wrote:Stupid question, but for the first time in ages I have rented a movie from the itunes store via iTunes on my PC and it does not appear on the Apple TV nor can I tell it to move to the Apple TV (no videos/movies etc option on the AppleTV section in iTunes).
Does anyone know if doing this change makes the Apple TV not able to view rented movies from iTunes on the PC (i.e. does making the AppleTV go to for the mesu apple address also affect this, or is that Apple address only used for updates).
(Would try it first myself by taking out the line from the ATVs host file, but everything is else is working fine at the moment XBMC wise and I don't want Apple to force a ATV update down my throat while I'm not looking).
davilla Wrote:no, the mesu apple address has nothing to do with iTunes.
pmcd Wrote:To re-enable do we just comment out or delete that last line in hosts? No rebooting, etc...?