Freeze image after channel switch

if i zap TV channels with my remote the video stream often freezes and audio continues normally.

It seems that sometimes synchronizing audio and video fails!
17:30:47.888 T:139721694316288   DEBUG: CVideoPlayer::HandleMessages - player started 2
17:30:47.890 T:139721694316288   DEBUG: CVideoPlayer::HandleMessages - player started 1
17:30:47.890 T:139721694316288   DEBUG: CVideoPlayer::SetCaching - caching state 3
17:30:47.890 T:139721694316288   DEBUG: CDVDClock::SetSpeedAdjust - adjusted:0.000000
17:30:47.891 T:139721694316288   DEBUG: VideoPlayer::Sync - Audio - pts: 17222845222.000000, cache: 326530.545400, totalcache: 600000.023842
17:30:47.891 T:139721694316288   DEBUG: VideoPlayer::Sync - Video - pts: 17223119556.000000, cache: 50000.000000, totalcache: 100000.000000
17:30:47.891 T:139721694316288   DEBUG: CVideoPlayer::SetCaching - caching state 0
17:30:47.891 T:139721694316288   DEBUG: CDVDClock::SetSpeedAdjust - adjusted:0.000000
17:30:47.891 T:139721921521408   DEBUG: CVideoPlayerVideo - CDVDMsg::GENERAL_RESYNC(17221845221.976158)
17:30:47.891 T:139721667856128   DEBUG: CVideoPlayerAudio - CDVDMsg::GENERAL_RESYNC(17221845221.976158)
17:30:47.891 T:139721694316288   DEBUG: CDVDClock::SetSpeedAdjust - adjusted:-0.050000
17:30:47.891 T:139721921521408    INFO: CVideoPlayerVideo - Stillframe left, switching to normal playback
17:30:47.892 T:139721667856128   DEBUG: CDVDAudio::Resume - resume audio stream
17:30:47.894 T:139723165103872   DEBUG: ActiveAE - start sync of audio stream
17:30:48.005 T:139723165103872   DEBUG: ActiveAE::SyncStream - average error of 682.611480, start adjusting
17:30:48.414 T:139721921521408 WARNING: CRenderManager::WaitForBuffer - timeout waiting for buffer
17:30:48.414 T:139721370064640   ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: an invalid/unsupported value was supplied(25)
17:30:48.655 T:139723165103872   ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times.
17:30:48.655 T:139723165103872   DEBUG: ActiveAE::SyncStream - average error 7.823384 below threshold of 30.000000
17:30:48.914 T:139721921521408 WARNING: CRenderManager::WaitForBuffer - timeout waiting for buffer
17:30:48.918 T:139721370064640   ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: an invalid/unsupported value was supplied(25)
17:30:48.921 T:139721921521408   ERROR: Previous line repeats 3 times.
17:30:48.921 T:139721921521408  NOTICE: CDVDVideoCodecFFmpeg::CDropControl: calculated diff time: 36363
17:30:48.921 T:139721370064640   ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: an invalid/unsupported value was supplied(25)
17:30:48.921 T:139721921521408 WARNING: VAAPI::FFGetBuffer - no surface available - dec: 1, render: 0
17:30:48.921 T:139721921521408   ERROR: ffmpeg[7F138B7FE700]: [mpeg2video] get_buffer() failed
17:30:48.921 T:139721921521408   ERROR: ffmpeg[7F138B7FE700]: [mpeg2video] thread_get_buffer() failed
17:30:48.921 T:139721370064640   ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: an invalid/unsupported value was supplied(25)
17:30:48.922 T:139721921521408   ERROR: ffmpeg[7F138B7FE700]: [mpeg2video] get_buffer() failed (-1 (nil))

I've tried different VAAPI hardware acceleration options. But the problem is still there!
Do you have any suggestions?

I am running KODI 17.1 with VDR VNSI Client "version" on a Intel NUC5CPYH (Celeron N3050).

the issue is most likely related to those vaapi errors your log snippet shows
Yes, i agree with that, but the VAAPI Error (25) doesn't help because it is a general error code!
See code documentation from
Quote:#define VA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE 0x00000019
An invalid/unsupported value was supplied.
This is a catch-all error code for invalid or unsupported values. e.g. value exceeding the valid range, invalid type in the context of generic attribute values.
By further tests i noticed that this error only occur by switching to SD channels (MPEG2).
are you saying that the original issue only shows on sd channels?
switching to an HD channel ffmpeg shows errors too!
Quote:16:51:31.428 T:140141226096384 DEBUG: ActiveAE - start sync of audio stream
16:51:31.536 T:140141226096384 DEBUG: ActiveAE::SyncStream - average error of 683.305934, start adjusting
16:51:31.640 T:140139779671808 INFO: CVideoPlayerVideo - Stillframe detected, switching to forced 50.000000 fps
16:51:32.187 T:140141226096384 DEBUG: ActiveAE::SyncStream - average error 12.460361 below threshold of 30.000000
16:51:32.210 T:140139779671808 WARNING: CRenderManager::WaitForBuffer - timeout waiting for buffer
16:51:32.210 T:140139779671808 INFO: CVideoPlayerVideo - Stillframe left, switching to normal playback
16:51:32.213 T:140139779671808 WARNING: VAAPI::FFGetBuffer - no surface available - dec: 0, render: 4
16:51:32.213 T:140139779671808 ERROR: ffmpeg[7F74D5C94700]: [h264] get_buffer() failed
16:51:32.213 T:140139779671808 ERROR: ffmpeg[7F74D5C94700]: [h264] thread_get_buffer() failed
16:51:32.213 T:140139779671808 ERROR: ffmpeg[7F74D5C94700]: [h264] decode_slice_header error
16:51:32.234 T:140139779671808 WARNING: VAAPI::FFGetBuffer - no surface available - dec: 0, render: 4
16:51:32.234 T:140139779671808 ERROR: ffmpeg[7F74D5C94700]: [h264] get_buffer() failed
16:51:32.234 T:140139779671808 ERROR: ffmpeg[7F74D5C94700]: [h264] thread_get_buffer() failed
16:51:32.234 T:140139779671808 ERROR: ffmpeg[7F74D5C94700]: [h264] decode_slice_header error
But after 1-3 seconds audio and video are synchronized.

The problem with the freezing image only occur, when i switch from a HD channel to a SD channel.
Has somebody a hint, what else i can do to find the reason of this problem?

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Freeze image after channel switch0