And actually, you can help me a lot right now.
Since I don't have any Prime boxes, I'm not sure of what they return for certain queries. It would be very helpful to me if you can supply the following information, either as text in the message or as attachments.
NOTE: In some of these reports, there will be an authorization string that is used to access SD's program guide. These strings are short-lived, so you can simply wait until it times out to post the data. I think they expire 8 hours after they are first assigned by SD (your boxes get the auth strings over the internet). Below I will note how to see that it has timed out.
1. The discover data from one of the boxes.
This is retrieved via HTTP (you can use your web browser), at
This is a short report and can just be pasted into the message.
NOTE: This contains the "DeviceAuth" string. After capturing the text, run the command in a few hours to see if the authorization string has changed. Once it does, it's safe to post the data.
2. The lineups.
Get the lineup from each box, via HTTP at
This is a fairly long list, so an attachment is preferred. If possible, determine whether the results are identical other thn the IP address in the "URL" field, and only post one copy if so.
3. The channel guide from one of the boxes.
This comes from SD. It's huge and should be an attachment. First HTML-encode the authorization string by making these replacements:
- (hyphen) -> %2D
_ (underscore) -> %5F
. (period) -> %2E
~ (tilde) -> %7E
(one character in the string replaced by the three-character %xx equivalent)
Then send the auth string in the request to SD:
4. The channelmap string
You use the hdhomerun_config program for this. Use the command:
hdhomerun_config XXXXXXXX get /tuner0/channelmap
where XXXXXXXX is replaced by the ID of your box (not IP address). If you don't know the ID, you find it in the discover data (above) or you can get it with the following command:
hdhomerun_config discover