Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
XTV Multiple RSS feeds
OK I'm having a slight problem with RSS feeds in XTV

I really want multiple feeds on my home screen one on top and one on bottem.

This should be easy and simple

So I make two sets of feeds

<set id="1">
<feed updateinterval="30"></feed>
<set id="2">
<feed updateinterval="30"></feed>

and I point to them in my Includes.xml

<include name="page-info">
<control type="rss">
<description>rss feed</description>
<control type="rss">
<description>rss feed</description>

But no matter what I try I get the same result. It runs two RSS feeds just like I want, one on top and one on Bottom but no matter how I do it I get the same feed on both. I want each feed to be a different set but it won't work lol ANy ideas?

king bongmaster Wrote:OK I'm having a slight problem with RSS feeds in XTV

I really want multiple feeds on my home screen one on top and one on bottem.

This should be easy and simple

So I make two sets of feeds

<set id="1">
<feed updateinterval="30"></feed>
<set id="2">
<feed updateinterval="30"></feed>

and I point to them in my Includes.xml

<include name="page-info">
<control type="rss">
<description>rss feed</description>
<control type="rss">
<description>rss feed</description>

But no matter what I try I get the same result. It runs two RSS feeds just like I want, one on top and one on Bottom but no matter how I do it I get the same feed on both. I want each feed to be a different set but it won't work lol ANy ideas?

don't know if it makes sense, but i would try different descriptions for those feeds. like i.e.

<description>xbmc feed</description>
<description>prisonplanet feed</description>
cheers,azido :;):
only thing i can think of is that you have edited the wrong rssfeeds xml file (no mention of platform and no log so hard to tell)

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