stanley87 Wrote:can someone explain Trailers for movies to me?
Thers an option in XBMC to play a trailer but i don't have trailers :-S
Do you actually have to have the downloaded trailer in the folder with the -trailer extension?
I thought it was something like, you have a -trailer.txt file and inside it has the url of the trailer at apple trailers and then xbmc just streams this video... ??
It's looking for the movie file for the trailer.
Moviename-trailer.avi (doesn't not have to be .avi, it can be any supported media extension)
Quote:If you could make it so that MIP would read in any nfo file in the folder or one that matches the movie file exactly,
Currently it does look for <moviename>.nfo and will read up the imdb id from it, it's actually the first thing it looks for.
I could change it to something like this
look for moviename.nfo
if not found then look for any .nfo in that folder
It's currently looking in the .nfo for the id within the <id>TTxxxxxx</id> tags, however I could try that first, and then look for any imdb url with the TTxxxxxx in it, and if that fails try a regex for two t's followed by 6 or 7 digits.
I'll add that into the next build list of todo's
I also want to add a dialog that displays (similar to the tv shows dialog) a selectable list when it finds more then one match, allowing easier selection of the movie from the list.
Dec 19, 2008
Beta 2 - Build 2295 has been posted, this is a full install and will remove your config.xml file
If you already have a version of beta 2 installed, and don't want it to extract the cached xml's, create a blank text file in c:\program files\movieinfoplus called noextrez.txt - "c:\program files\movieinfoplus\noextrez.txt"
What's new/changed/not working
Not yet working - TV Show icon selection is not yet working
- IMDB Scanning has been updated and improved, it should find all the shows now
- Change to loaded .nfo information
- It will look for <moviename>.nfo as a full valid .nfo file, then any .nfo file in the folder
-- It looks first in the file for <id>tt000000</id>, then for just for any tt000000 in the file
- TV Show changes, TV Shows now work like movies, you select the root folder and not the individual show file
-- Example - for the following you would only add d:\media\TVShows
--- d:\media\TVShows\House
--- d:\media\TVShows\Heroes
- Multiple fixes to initial scan and locating movies in imdb has been completed, this should work much better
- Labels for size and resolution has been added to the TMDB posters
- Includes Image resize for GUI display of folder.jpg and .tbn file
- Includes features from the test builds
- Fixed a bug with 0k fanart crashing the gui, if it fails to load a valid image, it will automatically remove that 0k file