WIP Automatic skin refresh addon
So i've recently been learning how to create and modify skins and I realized that having to leave my text editor and refocus the Kodi window and then hit a key to reload the skin to see any changes soon got very very tedious...... So I wrote this simple service script.


Just set the path to the skin you are using/editing and it will run in the background and every time it sees a file change the skin will automatically reload.

This is my first ever Kodi addon so I'm sure there may be problems I haven't seen yet Smile

Useful for anyone not using Phil's SublimeText plugin KodiDevKit.
Lol... yep, I must one of the few people who doesn't use SublimeText. I've been using NotePad++ for so long and have it setup just right that I really don't want to change.
I tried sublime but can't get used to it after using notepad plus for so long ... I know everyone says it's better but I personally lost interest when I could figure out how to 'fold' or collaspe different levels I wasn't working on.
Shield TV | Windows 10 | Mariadb | Mii Box
Evolve Ecosystem Repo | TV Melodies | Madnox Holiday Mod
(2017-06-03, 08:37)smitchell6879 Wrote: I tried sublime but can't get used to it after using notepad plus for so long ... I know everyone says it's better but I personally lost interest when I could figure out how to 'fold' or collaspe different levels I wasn't working on.

Its in the left margin next to the line numbers. Mouseover and the arrows appear, click the arrow to fold the code.

Arctic Fuse 2 - Alpha now available. Support me on Ko-fi.
Is there away to fold all the code to a "level" from the header or menus? or would I have to do them one by one? I will redownload and give it another go.
Shield TV | Windows 10 | Mariadb | Mii Box
Evolve Ecosystem Repo | TV Melodies | Madnox Holiday Mod
(2017-06-04, 00:21)smitchell6879 Wrote: Is there away to fold all the code to a "level" from the header or menus? or would I have to do them one by one? I will redownload and give it another go.

Edit > Code Folding >
Arctic Fuse 2 - Alpha now available. Support me on Ko-fi.
thanks I am trying it out is there a way to search all open files? or all files in a folder?

with notepad I could search all open files and I used this alot
Shield TV | Windows 10 | Mariadb | Mii Box
Evolve Ecosystem Repo | TV Melodies | Madnox Holiday Mod
CTRL + SHIFT + F if I'm not mistaken
Now overall I see why every one uses sublime... The multiple cursors are cool as well thanks guys.

Roidy I apologise for taking over you thread. Your add-on really is very handy
Shield TV | Windows 10 | Mariadb | Mii Box
Evolve Ecosystem Repo | TV Melodies | Madnox Holiday Mod
(2017-06-06, 11:18)smitchell6879 Wrote: Now overall I see why every one uses sublime... The multiple cursors are cool as well thanks guys.

Roidy I apologise for taking over you thread. Your add-on really is very handy

Lol... No worries...

But you do realize that Notepad++ also has "multiple cursors", you just need to activate it in the settings and then ctrl+left click everywhere you want a cursor.
Nawll didn't know that .... haha don't make me choose hahaha ... Can't I just use both lol thanks Smile
Shield TV | Windows 10 | Mariadb | Mii Box
Evolve Ecosystem Repo | TV Melodies | Madnox Holiday Mod
Best thing about multiple cursors on sublime is that you can highlight some text then press ctrl+d to highlight the next bit of matching text so you get multiple cursors (you can press multiple times) - I'm not sure if notepad++ has that feature and it's one of my favourite things in sublime. Really useful if you need to change a specific keyword in multiple lines. Also really useful with the increment number plugin.
Arctic Fuse 2 - Alpha now available. Support me on Ko-fi.
In notepad I can press Ctrl d to duplicate something how do I do it in sublime. ? I know these are smiple questions but this is the stuff I use a lot and u take for granted until it changes
Shield TV | Windows 10 | Mariadb | Mii Box
Evolve Ecosystem Repo | TV Melodies | Madnox Holiday Mod
(2017-06-07, 01:08)smitchell6879 Wrote: In notepad I can press Ctrl d to duplicate something how do I do it in sublime. ? I know these are smiple questions but this is the stuff I use a lot and u take for granted until it changes

Place the cursor on the line you want to duplicate, then simply do CTRL+C and CTRL+V

But maybe it's better to start a separate SublimeText tips and tricks kind of thread instead of derailing roidy's further

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