2017-06-12, 14:41
Light IMDb Ratings Update 5.1.3
Light IMDb Ratings Update runs as a Kodi service to update the ratings, votes and Top 250 for movies as well as the ratings and votes for TV shows (including episodes) by scraping the data from the IMDb site. The update can be run manually or scheduled once a week and it will run as soon as possible after a scheduled start is missed.Developed by axlt2002.
Light IMDBb Ratings Update has a really basic behaviour and does not rely on any local database or external module such as PHP. What it does is just to scan your Kodi library and send a request to the IMDb site to retrieve the rating and number of votes for the movies, TV shows and episodes that have a valid IMDb ID. The main features of Light IMDb Ratings Update are:
- Update ratings, votes and Top 250 for movies
- Update ratings and votes for TV shows and episodes
- Two different methods for TV shows ratings update
- Set IMDb rating as default rating
- Automatic retrieve of IMDb IDs for movies and TV shows from The Movie Database
- Manual edit of IMDb ID, TMDB ID and TVDB ID
- Scheduled ratings update once a week (day and time)
- Manual ratings update
The scheduled update as well as the manual update launched from the Home menu (under Add-on sub-menu) update the movies and/or TV shows libraries with the current ratings, number of votes and Top 250 available on the IMDb site (please note that Kodi supports the Top 250 only for movies). In order to have IMDb ratings showed in the skin, please enable "Set IMDb ratings as default" in the add-on settings.
Besides the libraries update, it is also possible to update a single movie, TV show, season or episode by launching the manual update from the related context menu. Since IMDb site doesn't provide ratings for TV show seasons, the manual update of a season updates the ratings and votes of all its episodes. Through the context menu it is also possible to edit the IMDb ID, the TMDB ID and the TVDB ID.
The two methods to udpate the IMDb ratings for TV shows work as follow (further details con be found in this post):
- Episode mode: with this method the ratings update is based on the IMDb ID of each episode. It provides precise results but it is very slow in case of a huge TV shows library.
- Season mode: with this method the ratings update is based on the IMDb ID of the TV show. It is very fast but it might provide inaccurate results in case of a mismatch between the episodes order of the TV shows in the Kodi library and the one on the IMDb site.
You can download the latest verision of Light IMDb Ratings Update from the following link: Light IMDb Ratings Update 5.1.3
Once downloaded, you can install Light IMDb Ratings Update following the “Install add-ons from zip files” guide on the Kodi wiki.
NOTE: Kodi 17.x has a persistent bug that launches the service twice after the installation of a service add-on. This might create some issues if a ratings update is launched (or scheduled) just after Light IMDb Ratings Update has been installed (or updated). To avoid this, just exit and start Kodi again. The bug has been fixed in Kodi 18.
Bug report: In case Kodi shows a Light IMDb Ratings Update error, please report it in this thread. In order to facilitate the debug, please follow these steps:
- Enable the debug logging in Kodi
- Reproduce the bug
- Post the Kodi log file on hastebin
Update issue: In case of a movie/TV show/episode update issue (e.g. the ratings are not correctly updated), please report it in this thread and post on hastebin the update.log file you can find under the userdata folder.
v5.1.3 (2024-09-22)
- Fixed ratings update for Season mode
- Other minor updates
v5.1.2 (2023-09-24)
- Fixed 308 Permanent Redirect error for IMDb episodes list page
- Updated scraper for IMDb episodes list page
v5.1.1 (2022-12-12)
- Fixed import module error (for Python 2)
v5.1.0 (2022-12-04)
- Fixed Internet connection check
- Other minor updates
v5.0.3 (2022-07-15)
- Changed the domain for Internet connection check
- Fixed translatePath for Kodi 20
v5.0.2 (2021-09-25)
- Fixed context menu opening inside categories
- Fixed update progress not closing properly
v5.0.1 (2021-07-17)
- Fixed Internet connection check
v5.0.0 (2021-07-10)
- Added support for Kodi 17/18
- Added the option to choose the method for TV shows ratings update
- Removed tmdbsimple and tvdbsimple wrappers
- Added TMDB API requests to retrieve IMDB IDs
- Added IMDB ID retrieval for movies
- Added french translation (thanks to Mirgolth)
- Other minor updates and fixes
v4.4.0 (2021-05-27)
- Updated scraper to support new version of IMDb pages
- Added option for complete log file
v4.3.0 (2021-02-28)
- Migrated to python 3
- Improved service management
- Updated tmdbsimple and tvdbsimple wrappers
- Other minor updates
v4.2.3 (2021-01-28)
- Fixed settings.xml for Kodi 17 compatibility
v4.2.2 and v3.5.4 (2020-04-12)
- Changed from akas.imdb.com to www.imdb.com
v3.5.3 (2020-02-25)
- Fixed bug in the context menu for episode update (retrieving IMDb ID)
v4.2.1 (2020-02-06)
- Added the number of threads in the settings
v4.1.1 (2019-12-05)
- Reverted to python 2.25.0 dependency for Kodi 17 compatibility
v4.1.0 (2019-12-02)
- Added back IMDb, TMDB and TVDB IDs in the context menu for episodes
- Reverted to the rating update method based on IMDb ID for single episode
- Fixed bug in log file
v4.0.2 and v3.5.2 (2019-11-13)
- Fixed bug in context menu for movie sets
- Removed myconnpy dependency
v4.0.1 (2019-10-15)
- Fixed bug in show progress
v4.0.0 (2019-02-04)
- New IMDb scraping method for TV shows
- Added Internet connection check
- Revised context menu
- Revised log file
- Revised settings
- Fixed bug in scheduled update
- Other minor updates
v3.5.1 (2019-01-09)
- Fixed error when opening context menu for episodes in the Home screen
- Added ratings update for the All Seasons item (context menu)
- Added management of The Movie Database request rate limiting
v3.5.0 (2018-12-06)
- Fixed bug of overwriting default ratings
- Added option to set IMDb rating as default rating
- Added option to disable notifications sound
- Moved the IMDb rating update entry in the main context menu
- Other minor updates
v3.4.1 (2018-06-23)
- Fixed bug when show update progress is disabled
- Added actual rating, votes and Top 250 in the context menu
- Added TV Shows/Episodes IMDb ID retrieval from The Movie Database
v3.3.2 (2017-11-10)
- Fixed context menu for Episodes selected from All Seasons
v3.3.1 (2017-11-08)
- Fixed error for TV Show titles having special characters (context menu)
v3.3.0 (2017-11-05)
- Added IMDb ID and TVDB ID edit options in context menu
- Added option to enable log file
- Added backup of previous log file
- Extended log file for the updates through context menu
- Revised some debug log and update progress messages
- Revised Episodes update through context menu of TV Show
- Fixed IMDb/TheTVDB.com sites access errors
- Fixed bug for Season update through context menu
v3.2.0 (2017-10-29)
- Removed the need of a personal API key for TheTVDB.com
- Added option to exclude watched Movies/TV Shows/Episodes from the update
- Added option to set the number of threads
- Added log file to report Movies/TV Shows/Episodes having issues
- Revised debug log and update progress messages for TV Shows
v3.1.0 (2017-10-21) by dziobak:
- Added multiple-threads for IMDb requests
- Changed HTML processing to regexp (removed BeautifulSoup)
- Changed IMDb site to akas
- Added gzip support to IMDb requests
- Fixed crash when socket timeout
- Fixed error when IMDb has no rating
- Fixed error when TheTVDB.com has no IMDb ID for TV Show/Episode
- Fixed error when TheTVDB.com returns IMDb ID without "tt"
- Changed behaviour on IMDb connection error
- Fixed other minor bugs
v3.0.0 (2017-10-18):
- New IMDb scraper based on python (removed PHP)
- Added manual update from the Home menu (under Add-on sub-menu)
- Added update of single Movie/TV Show/Season/Episode through context menu
- Added TV Shows/Episodes IMDb ID retrieval from TheTVDB.com (need API key)
- Added check to avoid multiple concurrent updates
- Fixed IMDb ID check for Episodes
- Revised all debug log messages
v2.1.1 (2017-08-27):
- Fixed standalone TV Show update
v2.1.0 (2017-08-19):
- Added support for Nvidia Shield
- Fixed bug in python
v2.0.0 (2017-07-30):
- Added support for Ubuntu, Debian, LibreELEC and Android
- Added automatic PHP installation
- Revised Top 250 update for Movies
- Revised scheduled update information save
- Added option to disable scheduled update
- Fixed deprecated constructor in PHP 7.0.x
v1.1.1 (2017-06-21):
- Bug fix
v1.1.0 (2017-06-21):
- Added manual update
v1.0.1 (2017-06-20):
- Improved configuration
v1.0.0 (2017-05-26):
- First add-on release
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Light IMDb Ratings Update has been inspired by the add-on Rating Update developed by m4x1m.
Infinite thanks to all the users for helping in debudding, providing ideas and...being patient.