Shoutcast help....
for some reason i can open a shoutcast file in xbmc and it even seems to connect to the shoutcast server, but then xbmc says it is "waiting to start...." and my xbox freezes. am i doing something wrong? oh, also my xbmc is the latest build ( 2003-12-03).
the first thing you should probably do is search the forums to see if other people have been running into shoutcast issues.

you'll probably find something Smile


ps: try latest build.
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are you trying to rip station wiith xnsplsedit_v1.2 ??
xbmc read only *.pls , *.sc can't read for the moment .
put your *.pls in your xbmc\playlist on the box
and launch xbmc and go to music\playlist and launch *.pls
shoutcast is ok on my bobox with xbmc ,
no prb ,
sound great
there has been a fix for shoutcast submitted one day ago. dns resolution of streamservers was broken. so maybe you wanna try a newer version.
read the xbmc online-manual, faq and search the forums before posting! do not e-mail the xbmc-team asking for support!
read/follow the forum rules! note! team-xbmc never have and never will host or distribute ms-xdk binaries/executables!
updated to cvs 12/08/2003...

still can't starting shoutcast-playlists (.pls). i checked all settings (ip/mask/gate/dns)... no go.

"waiting for start..." and my box freeze Sad

any solutions?

thx for help!

(toho @ dec. 08 2003,12:56 Wrote:hi,
are you trying to rip station  wiith xnsplsedit_v1.2 ??
xbmc read only *.pls , *.sc can't read for the moment .
put your *.pls in your xbmc\playlist on the box
and launch xbmc  and go to music\playlist and launch *.pls
shoutcast is ok on my bobox with xbmc ,
no prb ,
sound great
don't know what your doing... talking about xbmpHuh

there is no playlist-directory at /xbmc/. xbmc uses a dir at albums/playlists for selfcreated playlists.

shoutcast-playlists can be stored somewhere.

am i going wrong with that?

the 12-11 build does the same thing

is there a fix being worked on for this? it worked 3 versions ago but the latest ones dont work
Sad i have the same problem and had to go back to the 11/29 version. shoutcast just locks up the xbox. i am using relax v.75 and have had no problems until the dec. updates. anyone else?

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